
Install problem on OSX (and fix)

  • todd kaufmann

    todd kaufmann - 2010-03-09

    Downloaded, unzipped, and ran installer as
    java -jar RecordEdit_Installer_for_HSQLDB_068.2.jar

    The installer came up, seemed to run fine, no output from the command (is
    there a log file?). gives
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/hsqldb/Server gives
    base dir: /Applications/RecordEdit/HSQLDB/lib
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.sf.RecordEditor.edit.FullEditor
    at Method)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at net.sf.RecordEditor.utils.Run.<init>(
    at net.sf.RecordEditor.RunFullEditor.main(

    The jar files are all small, and the scripts aren't setting CLASSPATH, so
    where is it?
    $ jar tvf runFullEditor.jar 0 Sat May 12 14:03:44 EDT 2007 META-INF/
    109 Sat May 12 14:03:44 EDT 2007 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
    0 Sat May 12 14:03:44 EDT 2007 net/
    0 Sat May 12 14:03:44 EDT 2007 net/sf/
    0 Sat May 12 14:03:44 EDT 2007 net/sf/RecordEditor/
    752 Sat May 12 14:03:44 EDT 2007 net/sf/RecordEditor/RunFullEditor.class
    0 Sat May 12 14:03:44 EDT 2007 net/sf/RecordEditor/utils/
    3062 Sat May 12 14:03:44 EDT 2007 net/sf/RecordEditor/utils/Run.class

    okay, I poked around a bit, found these '.pack' files which I had never heard
    of and figured out what they are for.
    For some reason, they never got expanded.

    Open up terminal on your Mac and run the following:

    cd /Applications/RecordEdit/HSQLDB/lib
    for f in *pack; do j=`basename $f .pack`.jar; if ; then echo $j exists;
    else echo no $j; unpack200 -v $f $j;echo ; fi; done

    then it will work:
    ../bin/ &

    Did I do something wrong, or is this a bug in the installer?

    System details:
    macbook pro, 2.53 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
    Snow leopard 10.6.2
    $ java -version
    java version "1.6.0_17"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_17-b04-248-10M3025)
    Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 14.3-b01-101, mixed mode)

  • Bruce Martin

    Bruce Martin - 2010-03-10

    Thanks a lot for the information,
    the installer should unpack the jar files as part of the installation process.
    If you have time, you could try installing to a different directory and send
    me any messages that are written to the teminal.
    During the unpack process, there is a processing screen which should have
    the following messages on it

    Unpack 'cb2xml.pack'…
    Unpack 'hsqldbmain.pack'…
    Unpack 'jibx-run.pack'…
    Unpack 'jlibdiff.pack'…
    Unpack 'JRecord.pack'…
    Unpack 'LayoutEdit.pack'…
    Unpack 'RecordEdit.pack'…
    Unpack 'StAX.pack'…

    Unpacked jars…

    You are the third person to report the problem and I have never been able to
    replicate the issue (I have tried installing on Windows (Vista / Xp) Linux
    (4 dialects), Mac and had no problems.

    The fact you are using a Server Version + 64 bit gives me something else to
    look at.

    Using pack200 currently reduces the installer size by 1 Megabyte. It also
    allows me to add extra jars without increasing the package size much.

    I will have to look at this again.

  • Bruce Martin

    Bruce Martin - 2010-03-10

    Also I basically test on Windows / Linux with a very basic check on Mac (If I
    can get access to one). If you have any issues
    let me know.
    The program should start with the System look and Feel (except for Linux-
    Gnome) but you can change this
    (Edit >>> Edit Startup Options / Looks). Changing to Standard Java Look and
    Feel may solve so,e issues ???

  • Bruce Martin

    Bruce Martin - 2010-03-11

    What I plan to do is

    * Add a unpack Directory progam.
    * Update runFullEditor.jar program to check if the jar exists and do
    an unpack the the .pack file if necessary
    * Warn the user if a jar files does not exist and direct them to the upack
    and unpack200 utility


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