
Does REBLOG_KEEP_DAYS Kill Published Items?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I've got REBLOG_KEEP_DAYS set to 999 right now, but I wanted to reduce that so my database doesn't go out of control. The thing is, I want to keep my Published items. Will a low REBLOG_KEEP_DAYS kill them? Do I have to un-archive all my published posts to keep them from going away? Thanks for the help.

    • Michael Frumin

      Michael Frumin - 2006-09-19

      actually, i don't think published items will ever be purged.  just back up your database, change the setting, and see what happens.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      OK, I backed up the database, and changed the config file, but nothing changed. Do I need to do some kind of "reboot" to get the new config settings to take effect?

      • Michael Frumin

        Michael Frumin - 2006-09-20

        1) make sure that REBLOG_KEEP_UNREAD is set to false
        2) Update all your feeds.  the purging happens on feed updates

        lemme know,


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