
Tag - Endless spinning logo

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I've tried to install on Apache and PHP5.  I get most of the function to work, but when I attempt to tag an item or a feed, I simply getting a spinning loop.  If I look in the apache error/log:

    Refeed JSON-RPC request: {"method":"setFeedTags","params":[{"jsonclass":["RF_Feed",[{"id":4}]]},["test"]],"id":0}

    [11-Apr-2006 19:23:13] PHP Fatal error:  Cannot use string offset as an array in C:\www\reBlog\refeed\library\RF\Utility.functions.php on line 67

    Any thoughts?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I'm sad that there's no answer to this; I too cannot tag any of my feeds, and am on Apache and PHP5.  I assume this is a PHP5 issue, but for now, there's no tag love on my reFeed installation...

      • Anonymous

        Anonymous - 2006-08-25

        I've tracked down the problem to the function class_hints in the file Utility.functions.php.

        Changing the code around line 67 from:
             foreach($params as $p => $param)
        elseif(isset($param['jsonclass']) && class_exists($param['jsonclass'][0]) && is_array($param['jsonclass'][1])) {

                    foreach($params as $p => $param)
                        if (is_string($param)) {
                        } elseif(isset($param['jsonclass']) && class_exists($param['jsonclass'][0]) && is_array($param['jsonclass'][1])) {

        Seems to do the trick.

        • Michael Frumin

          Michael Frumin - 2006-08-27

          are you using PHP 5?

        • Michael Frumin

          Michael Frumin - 2006-09-16

          awesome, thanks!  this seems to work fine in php4.x, so I incorporated it into the version I just released which is mostly just fixes in the MT plugin, to work with MT 3.3x


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I have this problem too.... any help??


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