
So, how do I design the newsletter usability?

  • Maxim Maletsky

    Maxim Maletsky - 2001-01-24

    Hello Open-Sourcers,

    I am collecting the feedbacks from anyone interested in dropping me here two lines about what features would he like to see on a newsletter software.

    The original plan is to create a FULL FEATURED newsletter application, but, full featured doesn't necessary mean that *everything* is included. The most important parts only.

    Therefor: What would you like me to provide you with if you would have to use such application?

    Thanks in advance.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      it would be cool if the user system interfaced with other systems out there like post nuke, or phpbb etc.

      cool features would be:
      - users can OPT-IN to different newsletters or topics. One website may send 10 different newsletters.. or may cover 20 topics in one newsletter... but maybe the user only wants to hear about 3 of those 20 topics.

      OR worded another way - compile a newsletter on the fly that includes only the appropriate info based on the user's OPT-IN selections... OR allow admin to send newletters to users based on certain criteria.

      -  users should be able to choose html or text.

      - it would be nice if the usersystem integrated with some of the different portals and/or bbs systems out there.

      - should be able to specify the user's name in the email... like,
      Hello {FirstName} {LastName},

      Here's another annoying email... yada yada. You know something  {FirstName}? Between you and I, I have to tell you something. I could use $20. So here's what you need to do {FirstName}: Go to and be a pal.

      - speed is super important for SOME news oriented lists.
      - other lists speed isn't so important, but NOT using all the system resource is. So maybe the script could regulate how many emails go out per minutes in order to keep the server up and running smoothly.

      Well that's it off the top of my head.

      See Ya :-)

    • Philip Chinery

      Philip Chinery - 2002-12-08


      One thing that I would find really great for a Newsletter Management System:

      (First of all a public/hidden archive with full-text search, but that should not really be a problem)

      Some sort of Editors corner with a Template system for the Newsletter. I think of something like this:

      I want to have 5 Topics in the acutal newsletter, so I create a newsletter with 5 topics and insert the headlines and text for each of them and a little intro text to the actual newsletter.

      Only that has to be at first saved in the System. This raw text will be inserted into an template, i.e. a nice looking designed HTML or Text mail depending on the Users selection of how he wants to receive a mail. On Top a List of the topics that is created dynamically.

      Such a template system would be a great thing and would really improve the time and work that has to be put into a newsletter.

      And also some variables should be translated in the templated (Name, email-address, etc.)


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I´m searching for a Newsletter Manager. One thig that anyone has, is a FIELD EDITOR. I want to edit the FIELDS for each newsletter. One could have Name, Last Name, Email, City, Answer "A". And another newsletter could have others fields.

      I usee the program CARTEIRO. It could be downloaded on That program had this feature.


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