
Shutdown before end of backup?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    What does happen, if the computer is shut down (or the program is closed by the user) before the program has finished backup?

    Does the program handle this situation?

    cu, guido

    • Ralf Döhmer

      Ralf Döhmer - 2009-01-13

      Hello Guido,

      In one point you are right: their is no use of a transaction model, so no special handling has been implemented.

      If the backup stops unexpexted, what happens than?
      An analysis of the program shows me, that the interrupted backup does not destroy the complete backup structure.

      If the backup starts within the same hour again, the result ist the same as it would be, if the backup didn't interrupted.

      If the computer crashes while a changed file is actual copying: no matter. The next backup will overwrite that broken file or will ignore it (depends on the backup time: same hour as before?) - that file will be copied again.

      The algorithm is:
      Create directory structure
      Copy new or changed files one after the other and after one copy has been finished, create the hardlink.
      The next step is moving deleted files into the deleted files folder.

      Is there any moment, where the backup structure is inconsistent? I don't think so.

      BR, Ralf


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