Chris Taylor - 2008-03-05


I'm wondering how interested you would all be in a document that copied the (informal) reporting requirement from the RDML schema and represented it as a standalone (i.e. implementation-independent) artefact? I kind of need to do this anyway, and RDML is the obvious starting point, but it would be much better if (a) I had some sort of blessing from you all to draft something up and (b) you would consider carrying the project forwards after I knock up such a draft (I'd fade from view a bit at that point -- I just need to get it going -- I'm not fussed about the 'glory'...). A working title like MIQP/MIAQP/MIQuaRTPCR would be useful if you have any thoughts..?

If there were enough willing people to actually make (MIQP or whatever) a viable project and you were of a mind to continue, then we could register the thing at MIBBI and try to fit it into the growing set of guidelines around that area (MIAME, obviously, but also one you may not know called MIGS --\). There is of course a strong possibility that the guidelines could make for another paper too (on top of the RDML one)  :)

And if you were _REALLY_ eager, we could even have someone attend the MIBBI workshop coming up early next month to establish the RDML group in that forum...

Going a bit fast here maybe, but the bottom line is that QRT-PCR isn't entirely within scope for MIAME or MIGS, yet the three sets of guidelines (assuming a set is derived from RDML and worked up a bit) overlap in various places (MIBBI's job is to get communities to work out accommodations in such circumstances, so that journals are not put off by a disorganised MI community as they consider general enforcement of such things).

Cheers, Chris.