Steve Lefever - 2011-01-31

Changes in RDML v1.1 :

* The thirdPartyExtensions element has been removed. This type of extensions should now be provided as separate files and included into the RDML archive before compression. More details can be found here

* The dye element has been removed from the target element. Dyes should now be listed using the new dye element on the root level in the RDML container. The new element dyeId in the target element wil now be used to refer to the correct dye in this dye-list (=dye element on the root level)

* The pcrFormat element has been redesigned. The PCR format is now defined by providing the number of columns and rows (of the plate, rotor, …) in combination with a numbering schema for the wells/reactions. Well/reaction numbering goes left to right, rows first (examples are included in the .xsd file)

*As a result of the changes to the pcrFormat element, the ID format (attribute) of the react element has been changed to a number (integer) (e.g. reaction 1) instead of the previous letter+number notation (e.g. reaction A1). All reactions should be numbered by position in a left to right, rows first order. Empty wells/reactions should be numbered to (but not included in the RDML file) in order to be able to reconstruct the plate setup

* A new priming method 'other' has been added to the primingMethod element

* In the sample element the elements templateRNAQuantity and templateDNAQuantity were changed from double to quantityType giving more flexibility in providing quantity information

* Sample types 'ntp' (= no target present), 'nrt' (= no reverse transcriptase, or -RT) and 'pos' (= positive control) where added to the sampleTypeType element

* A descriptive string amplificationEfficiencyMethod was introduced in the target element to provide information on the method used to determine PCR amplification efficiency