
RbMUD-0.2 Stress Test

The results are in. Using a 750mhz athlon w/ 64mb ram and the same test application as the last stress test report, we see good results. 9 concurrent connections were used in this test.

Mud handled 90 movement commands/second (spread across 9 players) for 1min 7secs. With 'say' commands at the same rate the player threads crased after 45 seconds.
At a lower rate of 22.5 commands/sec the test results became somewhat suspicious: exactly 3 minutes with movement commands and exactly 4 minutes with 'say' commands. I think this may either reflect a problem with my testing application or some kind of leak in the mud code.
All the tests maxed the processor on my 750mhz athlon, but ran with very little memory usage.

The new core is obviously much more stable than the old. With relative stability at 25.5 commands a second it blows away my last published test, and on a slower machine. The code I used to test is very close to being ready for release. However, running RbMUD locally is going to become harder because of the database and encryption. I will probably distribute the next release with a small example database stored in a text file, for SQL injection. If you would like to tinker with this new code but do not want to deal with setting up a db on your own machine, I will be bringing the public test server back online to correspond with the 0.2 release.

Posted by Mike 2003-12-05

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