
#4 Some issues with Arpie


Dear all,

I ran into several issues with the Arpie effect in Rakarrack 0.5.0, git clone from 04-24-2010:
- When restoring a preset that contains Arpie it doesn't restore the SubDivision setting properly. If I set it on 1/4 it restores as 1/6 most of the time and sometimes as 1/2
- When restoring a preset that contains Arpie other effects don't get restored properly, in my case the Reverb
- When using Arpie and then setting the Tap Tempo on Jack Transport, enabling it and then start Jack Transport (either from QjackCtl or Hydrogen) Rakarrack crashes:


  • Jeremy Jongepier


  • Jeremy Jongepier

    I've added a strace output of Rakarrack crashing on the Jack Transport thing.



  • Jeremy Jongepier

  • Jeremy Jongepier

    I've also added the preset with Arpie that doesn't get restored properly.



  • Jeremy Jongepier

    Besides the issue, well, check the preset and set the SubDivision to 1/4, enable the Reverb and set it to Long Hall 2. Plug in a guitar, hook it up to Rakarrack and throw your synthesizer out of the window ;)



  • Josep Andreu

    Josep Andreu - 2010-05-06

    Hi ..

    Thanks for check ourgit version, we really need "Beta Testers" like you :-)

    They are various bugs .... hope they are fixed.

    1.- The arpie subdiv was a problem inside the Arpie effect ... I think is fixed.
    2.- The Reverb update was a problem in the restore preset, because I was changed the way of how the presets are restored, that was good because I was remove a lot of code, but I was forget that they are effects that use a "trick" to be safe in RT kernels ... now I think is fixed too :-)

    3.- The Tap Tempo with Jack Transport .. I can't not reproduce the crash here, but I've found a bug, when you start the Jack Transport and any program is selected as "Master Jack Transport", that send a Tempo value = 0 and that can be the cause of the crash when the effects are updated with this value that is out of our range. Now we chack the value and only is updated if is inside our range. Please check if that fix your problem.



  • Josep Andreu

    Josep Andreu - 2010-05-06
    • assigned_to: nobody --> holborn
    • status: open --> pending
  • Jeremy Jongepier

    Hello Josep,

    I'll make a new git clone and test the fixes. Considering the JACK transport issue, I didn't set Hydrogen as the Master JACK Transport afaik, but you modified the related code anyway so I'll test if it doesn't crash now.
    And props for picking up the reports and releasing bugfixes so quickly! And many, many thanks of course for maintaining and improving this marvelous piece of software!



  • Jeremy Jongepier

    • status: pending --> open
  • Jeremy Jongepier

    Well, last night I spent like 4 or 5 hours playing around with Rakarrack and all the bugs that I reported seem to be fixed. Also the JACK Transport one, I can now control the tempo of the Arpie effect without any problems. So, many thanks!!



  • Josep Andreu

    Josep Andreu - 2010-05-07

    Hi ..

    Ok .. then I close the bug .... thanks for your time :-)

  • Josep Andreu

    Josep Andreu - 2010-05-07
    • status: open --> closed