
Encryption type of passwords

  • Nabijon

    Nabijon - 2015-02-05

    I to import users from other mysql database, and i tried to find encryption type, but unsuccessfully.
    I tested api function from how to and it worked well. But we have about 3000 users and i would like to import all users at once(of course if the encrytion type of two database are identic)
    May be its stupid question, but i need to your advice to solve this...

    • Mfawa Alfred Onen

      Hi, you could check out the API documentation on the RD website since Dirk
      has done a great job of explaining things. There you will find ways to
      import users (I am hoping they are permanent users) and it should give you
      a starting point. I just used Google Chrome to study the flow and created a
      PHP script that allows me make API calls to my RD servers and imports from
      a CSV file. I will share the script with Dirk to see if it is something
      that can be placed under third party scripts section :). If you want my PHP
      script, contact me via email here muffycompoqm[at]gmail[dot]com

  • Dirk van der Walt


    If those users comes from an existing FreeRADIUS DB (e.g stored in the radcheck table), and have the passwords encrypted; it will be difficult to synch them with the permanent_users table in RD; although they will work in FreeRADIUS.

    RD does the synching of the passwords between the radcheck table's password values (used by FreeRADIUS) (which is clear text by default) and the permanent_users table (which is used by RD).

    If they come from some other DB and these encrypted values can't decrypt to a clear text value; you are actually out of luck and will not have a means to add them to RD in a simple way.

    Kind regards

  • Nabijon

    Nabijon - 2015-02-12

    Hi, (i have been absent for important reasons)
    Thanks for your help!!!!
    As i understand, I have two ways: decrypt those paswords to clear text or set identic passwords for all users when import...
    if second way- how can users change his own password then?


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