
Radio Archive and Podcasting System / News: Recent posts

Search and Upload for archive system

Version 4 adds search capability for users and upload capability for producers. The upload ability extends the versatility to uses we haven'thought of.

Posted by omaclay 2009-02-27

Patch 2.0.2d - It's ok

Patch 2.0.2d upgrades 2.0.2 to 2.0.3 and adds capability to prevent non-downloadable files from being downloaded by playing them through a server.
The system is completely controllable from a web interface. It's been running for 3 months at

Posted by omaclay 2008-06-14


As a result of comments by attorneys and others at NFCB, we find that there is no copyright protection if a file is accessible thru the server - i.e. if it's possible to download it.

This is a MAJOR PATCH to allow files to be placed outside the docroot and still playable thru a miniserver.

This patch is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to help protect us from copyright challenges.

Posted by omaclay 2008-04-07

Major Release

We've moved to 2.0! Added ability to select shows in index.php (phblic page). Viewers will love this.

Also added maintenance pages for shows and global. Installation and upkeep are much easier.

Looking good.

Posted by omaclay 2007-03-23

NEW Patch for archmnt corrects DST

archmnt was incorrectly figuring DST start creating dates in the data base one hour LATER than the correct time.

It was figuring DST on old dates.

Patch is archmnt_patch-1.0.3b.tar.gz in 1.0.3 release.

Posted by omaclay 2007-03-12

Radio Archive Recorder listed

The Radio Archive Recorder and Streamer is on Source Forge now. It's been running burp-free on my linux box, recording and uploading for three weeks (as of 2/1/07). I recommend it.

Posted by omaclay 2007-02-02

*nix Recorder

The recorder mentioned in 'latest news' has been submitted to SourceForge for approval. It records shows based on specifications in the playlist. It's closely bound with the requirements for radioarchive. It also streams mp3 (or ogg) in as many resolutions as the *nix box can handle. Pretty efficient. Also, added features(!) - updates the 'Now playing' data on mp3 stream servers and allows scheduling of different shows on the same day/time slots (i.e. one show on the first and third, another on the second and fourth). Very useful to community stations.

Posted by omaclay 2007-01-10

In the works

Right now we're developing a simple *nix recorder which will generate parchive-style mp3 files from a schedule. It can get the data from a stream (so it doesn't have to encode) or an mp3 file on any server which allows http access to the files.
The next step is to have it get files from a sound card and encode them.
Having it get files from a stream means it's not necessary to record on another computer and upload.
It's part of the development of the Virtual Program Director, but I couldn't find a simple *nix recorder which would operate from a schedule.
It's not quite ready for release, but if you're interested, email me.

Posted by omaclay 2006-07-02