


These are NOT really prerequisites, rather the only tested configurations for now. So feel free to use your own tools instead, just don't expect much help on setting it up.
- Windows XPx32 or 7x64, Linux x32 tested to work as well
- JDK 7 x32 and x64, I'm sure you know where to get it (6 works as well, but why downgrade)
- STS SpringSource Tools Suite 3.1.0 for development
- tested to run on Tomcat 7 locally, Tomcat 6 or tcServer work as well
- as database plain ole' MySql 5.5. Oracle XE 11 database (get it from here) was tested too - but the database.properties is set in SVN for MySql thank you for keeping it that way.
NOTE: if you take Oracle you'll need Oracle JDBC 6 driver (get it from here, see here how to install it in your local maven repository, pay attention to the version set in pom.xml)


Check out a new project from SVN using the URL on the project page. Do a Maven update project configuration and dependencies, including the snapshots. If you have Oracle and didn't install the Oracle JDBC driver you'll get the respective error, install it now and retry. Run on server.


First use the admin page to upload a fully prepared Excel file (see example in SVN). Simpler that way, but all older polls will be deactivated. This is by design. Then go to the (freshly generated) quiz and start giving answers according to your free will. Whenever you feel like, you can generate the radar chart with your answers. Just remember that unanswered questions will count as a complete neutral answer!

Alternatively, you can to create by hand in the CRUD interface: a poll, a few themes for it and a few questions for each theme.


A demo version can be seen and tried here:
Installed on Amazon AWS cloud, where it runs on Linux x32, Tomcat 7, Java 7 and MySQL 5.5.20.