

James Legg

If you want to contribute to the project, here is a list of ideas:

  1. Tackle some of the issues in the Doxygen Todo list:
  2. Implement an InputDevice object for some hardware you have (for example, a joystick). As an example, see how the keyboard is handled in InputDeviceKeyboard.
  3. Physics tuning. Much of the car driving stuff is in Car.cpp. Be careful when changing the physics to ensure determinism. I think the car should feel more responsive, which should allow for making the tracks tighter. Hopefully this will make the game more interesting.
  4. Contribute documentation. If it took you a while to work out how something works, it will probably take others a while to, so write it down for them. If there are any errors in the Doxygen generation (see for the list) you could fix those too.
  5. The track editor hasn't reached a stage where you can contribute tracks yet, and you should probably wait until the gameplay is pinned down before contributing themes, but some concept art or car models would be welcome.

As always, use the mailing list to communicate with the developers. You can post patches to the mailing list too.



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