
#4 Oracle error when reverse engineering by including views


I receive the following error when reverse engineering using an Oracle connection:

"The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.

I am able to see and use Oracle tables just fine as well as the process works for tables and views in SQL Server.

Any ideas about what may cause this error?

I am using Oracle 11g 11.2.0 and the latest release of QUIPU.


  • Jonathan W. Shirey

    • priority: 5 --> 9
  • Juan Jose van der Linden


    Are you using Oracle also as the repository DB? If so, did you adapt the repository according to the notes in the manual TD04:

    In the Quipu repository just created you need to remove the NOT NULL constraint on the primary key column “TYPE_SEARCH_OP_ELT” in table “QP_DATASTORE_TYPE_SEARCH_OP”. This is required because Oracle handles an empty string as NULL value, causing primary key violations in Quipu. Not removing this constraint will result in an error reverse engineering source models.

  • Juan Jose van der Linden

    • status: open --> open-accepted
  • Juan Jose van der Linden

    • assigned_to: nobody --> delostilos
  • Jonathan W. Shirey

    No, we are not using Oracle as the repository. We are using the default repository HSQLDB. Does the repository need to be in Oracle as well for this to work?

  • Lulzim Bilali

    Lulzim Bilali - 2012-01-12


    Using HSQLDB is fine but keep in mind that after you stop quipu backend and start it again all you did is lost as HSQLDB is an inMemory DB.
    So this should be ok for testing the tool but if you need to properly use it than I would recomend to create the repository in a real RDBMS.
    More about how to create the repository on another RDBMS you can find in the manual "UD01 - Getting Started" under "Installation Options" chapter/paragraph

  • Juan Jose van der Linden


    For testing HSQLDB is fine. You will not loose the stuff stored in HSQLDB, because the file based variant is used.
    Iĺl have to look in the log file what error the backend is generating.
    Could you check the latest lines in the log file? The logfile is in the logs directory in the backend folder. There should be a qp.log or a jetty.log file. Could you also tell me which Oracle jdbc driver you are using?

  • Jonathan W. Shirey

    jetty service log zipped

  • Jonathan W. Shirey

    quipu log file zipped

  • Jonathan W. Shirey

    We are using ojdbc14.jar as the Oracle jdbc driver.

    I have attached both logs as requested.

  • Juan Jose van der Linden


    I found the problem Quipu is querying for indexes via the databaseMetaData.getIndexInfo() JDBC call. But on Oracle this will give an error back. We'll have to change the reverse engineering to not query for indexes on views.


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