
Quick Site / News: Recent posts

New Developer Added

Snoop123 has been added as a developer, he has helped me out a lot since I added him as a developer.

Remember, I'm always looking for people to help, if you want to be added as a developer just send me an e-mail at with the subject set to "Developer".

Posted by Aaron Crowder 2003-07-30

Position Filled!!

My web designer position has been filled thanks to n305er (George Lee), however my developer position has yet to be filled.

Aplicants should apply to

Posted by Aaron Crowder 2003-07-29

Help Wanted

We curently have 2 positions avalible, for a project developer and a web designer.

If you wish to apply to be a developer you must know PHP, Perl/CGI and have a knoledge of MySQL and other databases.

If you want to apply to the web designer job you must know HTML/DHTML, XHTML/XML and have a knowledge of Dreamweaver.

All Aplicant's should submit to

Posted by Aaron Crowder 2003-07-28