
QuickRev / News: Recent posts

QuickRev 2023.1 released

REST API and HTTP Server Functionality
Added REST API and HTTP server functionality, accessible via menu 'Extras / Remote Control (HTTP Server Mode)...', to access information and add/modify/delete commments via HTTP requests.
The HTTP server can be started via command line options as well using '--server' (for the default port) or '--server:<port-number>' for a different port.

Store GIT Log Option
The used GIT-log option will now be stored in the project file.
When loading the project file the same GIT-log options are used.
Closing the project restores the default settings.

Add Attachment to send-email command
Extended send-email command tool with the possibility to add an attachment.
Example: <send-email attachmentPath="%fileDir%/myAttachment.txt">... read more

Posted by Tom Seidel 2023-10-26 Labels: 2023.1

QuickRev 2022.2 released

Navigation bar switches to next / previous file automatically.

When using the navigation bar to jump between diff, comments or both by either using the mouse or the hotkeys for [N]ext and [P]revious the next / previous file will be selected automatically and the search continues in this file when the end respectively begin of the file was reached.

Define history database location.

Added --db-dir option to specify where the history database has to be stored.
(For the QuickRevBoard this option was available already.)... read more

Posted by Tom Seidel 2022-09-13 Labels: 2022.2

QuickRev 2022.1 released

Take a look at for a complete overview

Support for Optional Reviewers

  • Optional reviewers will receive all email notifications sent by the initiator. They can start the review at any time, but finally there has to be at least one none-optional reviewer to finish a review.

QuickRevBoard Changes

  • QuickRevBoard: New option --stylesheet copies the given stylesheet to the QuickRevBoard and adds it to the generated 'no-latest' project files, so the stylesheet can be resolved in the browser to prevent CORS problems.... read more
Posted by Tom Seidel 2022-02-13 Labels: 2022.1

QuickRev 2021.1 released

Take a look at for a complete overview

  • Different Reviewer(s) / Initiator In Each Review Cycle.
    You can now change the reviewer and/or initiator in each review cycle.
    It is even possible to reduce or extend the number of reviewers in a review cycle to e.g. let just one reviewer verify all changes or replace a reviewer if he/she will not continue the review.
    If you will open an ongoing review where you are neither the initiator nor a reviewer QuickRev will ask what you want to do. If different initators are assigned to a review QuickRev will save additionally who has solved which review comments.... read more
Posted by Tom Seidel 2021-05-30 Labels: 2021.1

QuickRev 3.4.2 released

Take a look at for a complete overview

  • fix: NullPointerException when loading syntax highlighting via config file for unknown 'category'
Posted by Tom Seidel 2020-11-10 Labels: 3.4.2

QuickRev 3.4.1 released

Take a look at for a complete overview

  • fix: comparison of user for VCS is done case insensitive now to select the last modified version of the current user

  • fix: NullPointerException when saving preferences

Posted by Tom Seidel 2020-10-25 Labels: 3.4.1

QuickRev 3.4.0 released

Take a look at for a complete overview

  • Added possibility to define syntax highlighting via configuration files. See "examples/configuration/syntax_highlighting.xml" for more information.

  • Added syntax highlighting for JSON files.

  • Added syntax highlighting for CHILL programming language.

  • The "review" and "base" version of a file can now even be selected via the "Review History" dialog of a file (accessible via the "History" button on the "File References" tab).... read more

Posted by Tom Seidel 2020-10-04 Labels: 3.4.0

QuickRev 3.3.2 released

Take a look at for a complete overview

  • QuickRevBoard: New option '--replace-path-ext' for an extended replacement of the paths to the project files or even the files to be reviewed. In difference to the '--replace-path' option the 'replace-to' string will not be escaped, so it becomes possible to make use of capturing groups. Take a look at the help for examples.... read more
Posted by Tom Seidel 2020-03-28 Labels: 3.3.2

QuickRev 3.3.1 released

Take a look at for a complete overview

  • fix: Selection of base version did not work properly anymore in case the review was saved already.
Posted by Tom Seidel 2019-04-19 Labels: 3.3.1

QuickRev 3.3.0 released

Take a look at for a complete overview

  • Configure 'git log'.
    Added possibility to change the GIT-log command for determination of the file history.
    The options can be used for generation of QuickRevBoard and for normal QuickRev usage.
    Possible options are:
    '--git-log-follow' - for usage of 'git log --follow' (default)
    '--git-log-follow-m' - for usage of 'git log --follow -m'
    '--git-log-m' - for usage 'git log -m'
    When using options '-m' merge commits are included in the history (see git help for more information).
    Merge commits which do not contain relevant file changes will be marked as unchanged.
    Commits with the same commit hash will be removed.... read more
Posted by Tom Seidel 2019-04-17 Labels: 3.3.0

QuickRev 3.2.0 released

Take a look at for a complete overview (with screenshots)

  • Added syntax highlighting for B-Method.

  • QuickRevBoard: Added option '--exact-baseline' Add this parameter to apply the baseline settings to a file only, if the latest known version is covered by the baseline. In case there are already newer versions ignore the baseline for this file.

  • Added branch name to email notification when using placeholder %filename% and the project file is under GIT control.... read more

Posted by Tom Seidel 2018-12-18 Labels: 3.2.0

QuickRev 3.1.0 released

Take a look at for a complete overview (with screenshots)

  • Changed git log call to be able to detect unchanged files as well.
  • Aded sha1 for git files to review files.
  • QuickRevBoard: Added new option '--baseline-time' to set a time points which is used as baseline.
    I.e. all file versions which are older or equal to the given time point will be regarded as 'reviewed'.
    This option is available for all version control systems.
  • Added %fileCount% as placeholder for email notification to show the number of review files.
    (fixes #14 "Number of files for notification mail")
  • When a 'Path Mapping' is used for ClearCase %filePath% and %fileDir% will be replaced with the mapped path as well for sending email notifications.
  • QuickRevBoard: The old version of the 'QuickRevBoard' (--board-old) is not supported anymore.... read more
Posted by Tom Seidel 2018-01-27 Labels: 3.1.0

QuickRev 3.0.1 released

Take a look at for a complete overview (with screenshots).

  • QuickRevBoard: Added possibility to select file versions for a review and create a new project in the QuickRevBoard front end.

  • Changed assigned reviewers to a required field which will be shown in red now as long as no reviewer is assigned to the review and will let the input validation fail in this case.... read more

Posted by Tom Seidel 2016-11-05 Labels: 3.0.1

QuickRev 3.0.0 released

Take a look at for a complete overview (with screenshots).

  • QuickRev goes GIT - this is the very first version with GIT support!
    (feature request #2 "Git support")

  • Added 'File Browser' (available via the tool bar) to select, show or hide files on the 'Files' tab or file references on the 'File References' tab easily by using either the tree view or list view.... read more

Posted by Tom Seidel 2016-08-22 Labels: 3.0.0

QuickRev 2.0.1 released

Take a look at for a complete overview (with screenshots).

  • bug fixes only
Posted by Tom Seidel 2016-04-26

QuickRev 2.0.0 released

Take a look at for a complete overview (with screenshots).

  • This is the first version which uses java version 8 (JDK 8), starting with an older version will not work anymore.

  • Increased performance when loading or creating new projects. The file history and content will be loaded separately for each file component without blocking all inputs. So e.g. new files can be added even if loading of other files is not yet finished. Furthermore depending on the review phase file content or history will be loaded first, so e.g. during a verification the file content will be loaded first so the verification can be started even if the file history has not been loaded yet.... read more

Posted by Tom Seidel 2016-03-06

QuickRev 1.15.0 released

Take a look at to view all changes with screenshots.

  • Added 'Go To Line...' menu item to context menu of code view.

  • Change search field for search in code view to combo box to select former search strings.

  • Excludes defined for QuickRevHistory will be taken into account now even for adding of loaded projects to history-DB automatically. So different paths can be excluded even if reviews will be performed in this directories.... read more

Posted by Tom Seidel 2015-02-27

QuickRev 1.14.2 released

Take a look at to view all changes.

  • QuickRevBoard option '--replace-svnsync-path' can now be used for ClearCase as well and therefore has been renamed to '--replace-vcs-path'.
  • QuickRevBoard option '--replace-path' can be given more than once now to use different replacements.
  • QuickRevHistory loads configuration files given via option '--config' now as well.
  • fix: fixed path replacement for QuickRevBoard option '--replace-svnsync-path' which will replace wrongly in case the remote path is part of the path to be adapted already
Posted by Tom Seidel 2015-01-30

QuickRev 1.14.1 released

Take a look at to view all changes.

  • Added possibility to configure the front end of the QuickRevBoard in web browser.
  • Added creation of projects containing all files where the latest versions are not reviewed to 'QuickRevBoard'.
  • Changed evaluation of '--exclude' and '--include' from generation of 'QuickRevBoard' and history to exclude the given start directory from search. So the start directory itself cannot be excluded.
  • Removed JavaBeans Activation Framework which is part of the JRE already.
  • fix: fixed evaluation of review state if the only reviewed version of a file is unchanged
Posted by Tom Seidel 2015-01-17

QuickRev 1.14.0 released

Take a look at to view all changes.

Posted by Tom Seidel 2014-11-16

QuickRev 1.13.0 released

Take a look at to view all changes.

Posted by Tom Seidel 2014-04-02

QuickRev 1.12.0 released

Take a look at to view all changes.

Posted by Tom Seidel 2013-11-24

QuickRev 1.11.0 released

Take a look at to view all changes.

Posted by Tom Seidel 2013-07-28

QuickRev 1.10.2 released

Take a look at to view all changes.

Posted by Tom Seidel 2013-05-24

QuickRev 1.10.1 released

Take a look at to view all changes.

Posted by Tom Seidel 2013-05-13