
QuickMAN v0.7 released: Adds realtime panning

The QuickMAN fast Mandelbrot image generator now includes realtime panning- on fast computers, you can navigate large, highly complex images in realtime using the arrow keys, or drag images to a new position using the mouse.

v0.7 also adds auto-precision mode. This feature automatically selects the fastest calculation precision that yields a quality image. Surf with confidence, knowing that you're always getting the maximum speed possible.

In keeping with anti-bloatware goals, the code has been converted to pure C/ASM and the exe size reduced to 112K (thanks to Luciano Genero). QuickMAN requires no DLLs, .NET frameworks, or other such baggage to run.

This release also includes the usual bug fixes and useability enhancements.

Posted by Paul Gentieu 2006-06-24

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