
QuickFIX/J 1.0.3 Released

Release Notes - QuickFIX/J - Version 1.0.3

** Bug
* [QFJ-48] - Fix class path in examples scripts
* [QFJ-54] - Occasional NPE in block method during acceptor start.
* [QFJ-56] - Support null LogFactories.
* [QFJ-57] - Make QFJ timer thread a daemon.
* [QFJ-59] - Documentation: "initiator" was misspelled in the sample

** Improvement
* [QFJ-61] - Extend SessionState to track whether a Logout has
been received. Can be used in onLogout() to determine
if the logout was normal or not.

Thanks to Jörg Thönnes, Toli Kuznets, Graham Miller, André Malenfant,
and Markus Khouri for their assistance in this release cycle.

Files can be download at...

More information at

Posted by Stephen Bate 2006-09-05

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