
Quazzar / Blog: Recent posts

Source Code

I will post the code here because I'm (newbie) don't know how use the SVN or GIT.
I will use the piratepad, and I don't have to update the URL...

Posted by Anonymous 2012-08-04

Quazzar Icon

An Anonymous friend make an icon for Quazzar, thank you very much
The image:

Posted by Anonymous 2012-07-07 Labels: quazar quasar quazzar icon ico


You can, start an discussion about it, post you questions to it and I will awnser.

Posted by Anonymous 2012-07-01

Pre-Alpha version

Hey, I developed it to Pre-Alpha, it's a litle instable, but you can test...
I will continue fix the bugs, please if you find someone, send me a ticket, an I will, be thank to you, and I fix it.

Wait for more updates...

Posted by Anonymous 2012-07-01 Labels: developement