
Quake2 to Delphi conversion / News: Recent posts

Q2D Source ZIP 20.04.2004 released.

New sourcecode zip released.

Posted by Juha hartikainen 2004-04-20

Q2D Source ZIP 09.07.2003 released.

New release includes now almost perfectly working versions of ref_gl renderer and gamex86 game modules (beside of quake2d.exe which has been working quite nicely for some time already).

Posted by Juha hartikainen 2003-07-09

Q2D First phase completed.

The Quake II to Delphi Conversion Team is proud to announce that an important milestone has been reached: Quake2.exe has been fully converted to
Delphi source code from the original C sources released by John Carmack on December 22, 2001. All known conversion bugs have been corrected and the Delphi-compiled binary is able to run flawlessly using the original DLLs supplied with Quake II 3.20.

The conversion was done by the work of volunteers who have worked hard over the course of these ten months. Conversion of the game DLLs have almost been completed, and we are now focusing on fixing conversion bugs in the source code.... read more

Posted by Juha hartikainen 2002-12-12

Q2D Source ZIP 04.12.2002 released.

New sourcecode zip has been released. This release will fix some problems regarding quake2.exe conversion, and has much better conversion of ref_soft and gamex86 (almost working) modules.

Posted by Juha hartikainen 2002-12-05

Q2D Mailing list.

We have started new mailing list "quake2delphi-devel". If you are interested on contributing some code to the project, please join the list.

Posted by Juha hartikainen 2002-11-07

Q2D Source ZIP 31.10.2002 released.

New sourcecode zip has been released. This release will fix many problems regarding quake2.exe conversion.

Posted by Juha hartikainen 2002-10-31

New sourcecode release.

I released new sourcecode ZIP-file. With the latest version you can start local co-op server, browse around in the maps, shoot and stuff. Some collision detection isn't working yet, and thus, the game isn't fully playable, but we are aproaching it.

Posted by Juha hartikainen 2002-08-15

Project started.

Project started.

Posted by Juha hartikainen 2002-06-11