
Feature Requests

  • skywalka

    skywalka - 2010-07-07

    I'm very excited to see that QTTabBar is not dead.  A donation is coming Ur way though I can't afford much.

    QTTabBar used to preserve the state of locked tabs after closing & restarting.  This functionality disappeared under the former developer.  I suspect it was a bug.  I would love to see this return.

    If a tab is locked & you double click a folder within that tab then a new tab for that sub-folder is opened on the immediate right of the parent folder's tab.  "Open Most Right" only works for middle mouse click etc.

    Mapped drives in Groups don't have their name (only their drive letter) until you click on one.  This minor annoyance is magnified if a tab's name determines the tab's size.

    LONG LIVE QTTABBAR!!!!!!!!!!!

  • eadmaster

    eadmaster - 2010-08-15

    ok, these are my requests:
    - add "Open in new tab" in folders' context menu;
    - Alt-Click and Drag to move window (Unix-like, optional).

  • Paul Accisano

    Paul Accisano - 2010-08-15

    Greetings skywalka and eadmaster.  Please use the Trac to enter new bugs and feature requests.

    Preserving locked tabs is already possible with the right option ticked; check the Window tab in the options dialog.

    New tab location when opening from a locked tab has been fixed.

    Can't reproduce the mapped drive thing; please open a ticket for it and describe it in greater detail.

    "Open in new tab" will definitely happen at some point.  But please open a ticket for it anyway so I don't forget.

    Alt-drag will most likely not happen, as there are already plenty of programs out there that duplicate this functionality already.  This site documents three different programs that can do this:

  • eadmaster

    eadmaster - 2010-08-17

    Sorry i hadn't noticed you are using the Trac for feature requests…

    BTW i knew there are some scripts that can do the "Alt-drag" thing already,
    but i still prefer to see this feature in qttabbar, just for convenience.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-09-28

    Two are the features that I would like added:
    1) transparency for the tabbar background (chrome and firefox style ;-))
    2) disappearance of the tab (and tabbar background), when there is only one window open.

  • eppixx

    eppixx - 2010-10-10

    Hi masamunexgp,
    I woult like to see a shortcut for a new tab for a further version because I want to use your prog with strokeit.
    At the moment I use the command for cloning. But it would be a Improvement to open a new Tab that open in my Favourites.


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