

LV Gandhi
  • LV Gandhi

    LV Gandhi - 2011-05-01

    I installed current cvs version in kubuntu natty 1104. Installation went ok.
    But when I started qtstalker I got an image as shown in the link
    Panel is middle. Resizing windows, doesnot help to bring panel to one end. Using script for loading data in SDOHLCV format  gave symbol in symbol table. But when no default bars or volume. When I wanted to add indicator from config and options, no indicator is shown in dialog.

  • LV Gandhi

    LV Gandhi - 2011-05-01

    I got the following in terminal while starting qtstalker.
    QInotifyFileSystemWatcherEngine::addPaths: inotify_add_watch failed: No such file or directory
    QFileSystemWatcher: failed to add paths: /home/lvgandhi/.config/ibus/bus
    KGlobal::locale::Warning your global KLocale is being recreated with a valid main component instead of a fake component, this usually means you tried to call i18n related functions before your main component was created. You should not do that since it most likely will not work

  • LV Gandhi

    LV Gandhi - 2011-05-02

    A few more info.
    I installed qwt from kubuntu repositories which installed qt3-detools also. This lead to error while running configure. Then I removed qt3-devtvools. Then configure and compile went ok.
    I installed ta-lib from zwets repository.

  • Austin

    Austin - 2011-05-02

    qwt 6.0.0 compiled from source also gave also problems here with Pickermachine class, went back to qwt 5.2
    Regarding the screen, I got same after fresh install, after loading some data and creating an indicator it functioned as it should.
    The KGlobale etc. warning is also showing up on Opensuse 11.4


  • Balwinder S Dheeman

    @lvgandhi, is better install you (or debian/ubuntu users) install 'libqwt5-qt4-dev' and also 'libqt4-sql-sqlite'. a latest or pre-build SVN version of 'ta-lib' as 'libta-dev' is available at,, or also.

    BTW, while I was trying to build it on 64bit debian/ubuntu, I need to add -fPIC flang in the; the build was failing otherwise.

  • LV Gandhi

    LV Gandhi - 2011-05-02

    dear x_curve,
    How the indicator is created?
    When I used configure and options|new indicator, I got qtstalker 0:Edit dialog. In that I selected add command, which lead me to drop down box and I selected Candles. When I clicked OK, it asked for unique name. I gave it as cdl. It created an empty indicator window. No candles. When I closed and reopened qtstalker, that windows was missing. If I follow same procedure for creating window, I get msg saying cdl for unique name exists.

  • LV Gandhi

    LV Gandhi - 2011-05-02

    dear bdheeman
    I have as follows
    lvgandhi@lvgvaio:~$ pkgl|grep qt4
    ii  ibus-qt4                 1.3.1-1ubuntu1           qt-immodule for ibus (QT4)
    ii  libntrack-qt4-1          011-1ubuntu1             qt4 API for ntrack
    ii  libpoppler-qt4-3         0.16.4-0ubuntu1          PDF rendering library (Qt 4 based shared library)
    ii  libqt4-dbus              4:4.7.2-0ubuntu6         Qt 4 D-Bus module
    ii  libqt4-declarative       4:4.7.2-0ubuntu6         Qt 4 Declarative module
    ii  libqt4-designer          4:4.7.2-0ubuntu6         Qt 4 designer module
    ii  libqt4-dev               4:4.7.2-0ubuntu6         Qt 4 development files
    ii  libqt4-help              4:4.7.2-0ubuntu6         Qt 4 help module
    ii  libqt4-network           4:4.7.2-0ubuntu6         Qt 4 network module
    ii  libqt4-opengl            4:4.7.2-0ubuntu6         Qt 4 OpenGL module
    ii  libqt4-opengl-dev        4:4.7.2-0ubuntu6         Qt 4 OpenGL library development files
    ii  libqt4-qt3support        4:4.7.2-0ubuntu6         Qt 3 compatibility library for Qt 4
    ii  libqt4-script            4:4.7.2-0ubuntu6         Qt 4 script module
    ii  libqt4-scripttools       4:4.7.2-0ubuntu6         Qt 4 script tools module
    ii  libqt4-sql               4:4.7.2-0ubuntu6         Qt 4 SQL module
    ii  libqt4-sql-mysql         4:4.7.2-0ubuntu6         Qt 4 MySQL database driver
    ii  libqt4-sql-sqlite        4:4.7.2-0ubuntu6         Qt 4 SQLite 3 database driver
    ii  libqt4-svg               4:4.7.2-0ubuntu6         Qt 4 SVG module
    ii  libqt4-test              4:4.7.2-0ubuntu6         Qt 4 test module
    ii  libqt4-xml               4:4.7.2-0ubuntu6         Qt 4 XML module
    ii  libqt4-xmlpatterns       4:4.7.2-0ubuntu6         Qt 4 XML patterns module
    ii  libqwt5-qt4              5.2.0-1build1            Qt4 widgets library for technical applications (runtime)
    ii  libqwt5-qt4-dev          5.2.0-1build1            Qt4 widgets library for technical applications (development)
    ii  pinentry-qt4             0.8.0-1ubuntu2           Qt-4-based PIN or pass-phrase entry dialog for GnuPG
    ii  python-qt4               4.8.3-2                  Python bindings for Qt4
    ii  python-qt4-dbus          4.8.3-2                  DBus Support for PyQt4
    lvgandhi@lvgvaio:~$ pkgl|grep libta-
    ii  libta-lib0               0.4.0-2                  TA-Lib runtime library

  • Austin

    Austin - 2011-05-03

    To create a new indicator:

    1. Choose DOHLCVI and fill in the blank names
    2. Choose indicator
    3. Choose IPLOT to plot the required indicator (choose one of the names per plot)

    The Candles indicator lacks the command settings so you cannot give in names is my best guess, but I lack a year in following the code.
    Candles patterns functions along the path described above.

    Have a nice day, x_curve

  • LV Gandhi

    LV Gandhi - 2011-05-03

    I could not follow fill in blank names.
    I get name_date,name_open etc.
    What is to be filled?
    I selected other alternative to leave it blank.
    If I leave blank and press ok, I get a dialog asking me to enter unique name not any dialog for selecting an indicator.

  • Austin

    Austin - 2011-05-04

    If you have opened the box Edit :  {{{your indicator name}}}, right mouse click + edit indicator,
    than on the left there is a box that is named Commands, can be filled with DOHLCVI, MA, IPLOT as an example.
    On the right there is a box Command settings were you need to fill in Date, Open, High, Low etc for DOHLCVI.
    These var names can than be used in MA as an example.
    And than you plot the var from MA with IPLOT.

    The code might still be a little buggy as I already reported the issue about the missing presets in command settings for DOHLCVI. The GUI for indicators recently changed so we need to be a little patience I think.


  • LV Gandhi

    LV Gandhi - 2011-05-04

    Dear  x_curve
    Thanks for your time. I have done as you have written. Still no bars for imported symbols. Will wait as you said.


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