
#127 Cannot load JPEG images

Program (114)

When I'm trying to load any JPEG's to the program by clicking the plus button in the "New HDR image" wizard, I see the same message box on the screen. It states: "Loading Error: ERROR loading <name of="" the="" file="" here="">".

OS: Windows XP SP2 32-bit
Version of the program: 2.3.0-beta1

File sample:

I hope, this report will help you a little bit to make the program more reliable and finally defeat all the commercial HDR imaging software. Good luck!


  • Facundo Galella

    Facundo Galella - 2012-05-15

    Me too, JPEG's images of Canon SX110 IS camera

    OS: Windows 7 32-bit
    Version of the program: 2.3.0-beta1

    Good luck

  • Franco Comida

    Franco Comida - 2012-05-15

    I tried your file and many others and it works for me on XP

  • Davide

    Davide - 2012-05-15

    Hi all,
    i think I have to clarify what Franco (fcomida) meant when he said "works for me".
    We have done a deep clean-up of the JPEG reader in the last week and Franco just tried your sample image with the new image, so this problem should disappear with the next release.

    I've moved to the bug report to "pending": I hope you can update the status of this report as soon as we have a new release out.


  • Franco Comida

    Franco Comida - 2012-05-15


    I have to say we tried even we the old version and it's working here but it seems that yours is a real bug, can you please provide more informations about your system and setting, for example the permissions of the files and of the folder they are in?


  • jspikker

    jspikker - 2012-06-26

    I also had this problem with version 2.3.0-beta1 on Windows 7.
    The problem was caused by the user folder's name. The user had a "ë" character in her name.
    This caused the temporary folder name (under the Tone Mapping section in the Preferences dialog) to be invalid. I had it set to C:\temp
    And, I had the image files on the Desktop, whose folder is also in the user profile. After moving this to a folder with only ASCII characters in its name the problem did not occur anymore.

  • Davide

    Davide - 2012-06-26

    If the problem is related to the file system enconding, than it should be already solved: does anybody have chance to recompile Luminance HDR from the main trunk and try again whether the same behaviour is still reproducible?

  • Daniel Kaneider

    Daniel Kaneider - 2013-10-26
    • status: open --> closed