
QTerm 0.5.6 Released

This is the most exciting release I ever did, there is only one highlight in this release: script support with QtScript, but with this new feature, and with Qt bindings for QtScript, you can almost what ever you want in QTerm. Come with this release there are some examples provided, you can change the behavior of mouse/keyboard action for different BBS site, highlight keywords, make web snapshot... All kind of cool things you ever dream of, learn more about the script support in the Scripts page and start write your own today!
On the other side, the current script interface is still young, and things might not work as they expected. If you want to help us improve it (I am sure you want :). Send bug report and feature request, or even better, patches to our tracker, have fun.
Update: I just realized the current script support only compiles and works with Qt 4.5. If you are still using older version, you should disable script support to compile QTerm with the following command

Posted by luran 2009-06-08

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