
Close searches?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I'm running Qtella 0.6.2 with RH9, and I can't seem to find a way to CLOSE any of the searches, they appear on the window with no apparent way to close them, even after restarting the program, the tabs from my previous searches are still there, and don't seem to be going away anytime soon.

    (I accidentaly posted this earlier in the open discussion). :(

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I am having the same problem

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      the only I have found is to edit the xml file in /home/user/.qtella and remove the relavant line containing the search you no longer want - obviously after you have quit ;) (every time i quit it i get a "sigsegv" thing -annoying)
      <?xml version="1.0"?>
      <SEARCHES VERSION="1.0">
          <SEARCH QUERY="radio" AUDIO="1" VIDEO="1" IMAGES="1" ANY="1"/>
          <SEARCH QUERY="mozart" AUDIO="1" VIDEO="1" IMAGES="1" ANY="1"/>


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