
defer/recall without assert with full queue

  • Rémi Desgrange

    Rémi Desgrange - 2015-06-25


    I'm using defer/recall concept, and it's really not critical if recall cannot be done because queue of the machine is full. Here is the code I use.

    Busy state of a potential sm

    QP::QState MySm::Busy(MySm * const me, QP::QEvt const * const e) {
        QP::QState status_;
        switch (e->sig) {
            // ${AO::MySm::SM::Busy::TIMEOUT}
            case TIMEOUT_SIG: {
                // ${AO::MySm::SM::Busy::TIMEOUT::[me->m_counter==~}
                if (me->m_counter == 10) {
                    static struct {
                        QP::QMState const *target;
                        QP::QActionHandler act[3];
                    } const tatbl_ = { // transition-action table
                            Q_ACTION_CAST(&Busy_x), // exit
                            Q_ACTION_CAST(&Execute_e), // entry
                            Q_ACTION_CAST(0)  // zero terminator
                    me->m_counter = 0;
                    status_ = QM_TRAN(&tatbl_);
                // ${AO::MySm::SM::Busy::TIMEOUT::[else]}
                else {
                    if(me->m_deferedEvt.getNFree() > 0)
                        me->defer(&me->m_deferedEvt, e);
                    } else {
                        cout << "cannot defer" << endl;
                    status_ = QM_HANDLED();
            default: {
                status_ = QM_SUPER();
        return status_;

    And the state that recall event, maybe the while is not the best way..

    // ${AO::MySm::SM::Execute}
    QP::QState MySm::Execute_e(MySm* const me) {
        cout << "Entry " << __FUNCTION__ << endl;
            cout << "Evt to recall" << endl;
            cout << "getNFree : "  << me->m_deferedEvt.getNFree() << endl;
        return QM_ENTRY(&Execute_s);

    I repeat that my interest here is to not assert when the queue storage of the machine (not the qequeue) is full.


    Last edit: Rémi Desgrange 2015-06-25
  • Quantum Leaps

    Quantum Leaps - 2015-06-25

    In the newer QP/C++, the QMActive::defer() operation does not assert. Instead it returns a bool (true if the event could be deferred and false otherwise). Please see the doxygen documentation at:

    So, you no longer need to test the deferred-queue.

    As to the while loop while recalling events in the entry action, I don't get it and it makes little sense to me. It seems to me that you just flood your primary queue with all the recalled events, which you then defer again.


  • Rémi Desgrange

    Rémi Desgrange - 2015-06-26

    The problem is not the size of the deferred queue, it's the size of the SM queue storage.

    the SM schema is attached

    I'll give you a quick example:
    let's imagine a machine that send SMS.
    This machine will have 3 states :
    And 2 signal :
    -SMS_SEND_SIG : ask the machine to send a sms, the text, phone number are passed in the events
    -SMS_RECEIVE_SIG : tell the machine that a sms has been received.

    The initial state is, obviously the "Wait" state. On SMS_RECEIVE_SIG, the machine will transit to "SmsRx" where it will parse and treat the SMS. If, in this state I receive a "SMS_SEND_SIG", I don't want to loose the sms, so I defer the event and I will recall it in "Wait" state. The solution that you give the Psicc for this pattern works if I receive 1 "SMS_SEND_SIG" in the "SmsRx" state. It doesn"t work if I receive multiple signal.

    But maybe I misunderstood the concept of defer/recall ?


    Last edit: Rémi Desgrange 2015-06-26
  • Quantum Leaps

    Quantum Leaps - 2015-06-26

    The queue size of the active object (AO) is an issue only if you flood it with events. That's why I questioned your recalling all events at once in a tight while loop. This is a departure from the "Deferred Event" pattern, because events should be recalled one at a time.

    I still don't understand your case for recalling all events at once. Perhaps you could elaborate why it is necessary and what it is that you are trying to achieve here.



    Last edit: Quantum Leaps 2015-06-26
  • Rémi Desgrange

    Rémi Desgrange - 2015-06-26

    I did see your post, I edit my response

    Here is the schema


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