
#14 MIDI Mute Affects Note Length


I found an issue with QMidiArp 0.6.1 when using it with an external MIDI controller. I can work around the problem but want to bring it to your attention.

I created a sequencer module and used MIDI Learn on the module's Mute button. I used CC 23, with value 0 being "muted" and value 127 being "unmuted." I saved the session file.

I found that having this MIDI controller definition causes the value of noteLength to be multiplied by 3 in the session file. For example, Note Length 64 is saved as 192.

I also found a special case for the default Note Length of 60. When the external controller button is pressed to activate mute for the first time after the session file is opened, the on-screen Note Length gets divided by 3 and becomes 20. I could then reset the Note Length to 60 and it wouldn't change again for the rest of the session. I couldn't get this to happen for any other note length value (I tried 20, 30, 50, 59, 61, 64, 90, and 120).

This problem occurs with both the ALSA and JACK back-ends.

I can work around the problem by not using Note Length 60 and by manually editing noteLength in the session file after saving any changes.


  • Frank

    Frank - 2015-07-05
    • status: unread --> pending
    • assigned_to: Frank
  • Frank

    Frank - 2015-07-05

    Hi Steve,

    sorry for the delay and thanks again for spotting this. I think this was related to the wrong notelength value that was written to the session file, whereas the values in the global store locations were OK....
    Could you try to build the git version and check whether it fixes your issue?

  • Steven Grace

    Steven Grace - 2015-07-05

    I built and tested the latest 0.6.2 version and have mostly good news. The issue of Note Length being saved incorrectly appears to be fixed. In my brief testing, noteLength in the session file always matched what was on screen.

    The odd case where Note Length is 60 remains, though. I saw Note Length jump to 20 in two cases:

    1. When using MIDI Learn as described in my original post

    2. When using my controller button to mute the sequencer for the first time after loading a session file

    The problem that remains is not serious for me; I can work around it by not using Note Length of 60.


  • Frank

    Frank - 2015-07-06

    Steve, please try again pulling from git. I fixed the note length default in the midi worker module that didn't match the gui's default. I think that was the bug.

    Best, Frank.

  • Frank

    Frank - 2015-07-06
    • status: pending --> open-fixed
  • Steven Grace

    Steven Grace - 2015-07-07

    I built and tested the latest version and it appears that all Note Length problems are fixed! Thanks.

  • Frank

    Frank - 2015-07-07

    Thanks again Steve, this bug is now closed.

  • Frank

    Frank - 2015-07-07
    • status: open-fixed --> closed-fixed

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