
QMC2 0.2.b8 released

This is version 0.2.b8 of QMC2 which we proudly release to the public!

QMC2 0.2.b8 is the first version which also supports Windows, includes quite a number of bug fixes, comes with lots of nice improvements, a good set of new features and is in sync with (SDL)MAME 0.131, MAMEUIFX32 0.131 and (SDL)MESS 0.130. If necessary, updated (SDL)MESS templates will be posted here as soon as (SDL)MESS 0.131 is available.

The most important changes since 0.2.b7 are:

* Support for Windows (Win32) and the original MAME and MESS variants as well as MAMEUIFX32
* ROMAlyzer: support for CHD v4, skip unsupported CHD formats
* Main widget layout improvements to allow for even more flexibility
* Updated template format to support directories and files (the emulator configuration now includes browse buttons for those options)
* Allow user to enable/disable double-click activation in game/machine lists
* Show sort indicator in game/machine list headers and let the user change the sort criteria & order by clicking an applicable column header
* Selectable tab positions (north, south, west, east) for the main widget -- can be changed via context menus of these tab widgets
* Support for additional artwork (cabinets, controllers, marquees and titles)
* Print statistical ROM state information to front end log after game/machine list reload and ROM state checks

Thanks to all who helped making this release possible!

See change-log for more information.

Have fun,

The QMC2 dev-team

Posted by R. Reucher 2009-04-23

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