
#11 add client-side password compare to add_user.html

Mike Wright

This patches qmailadmini-1.0.28/html/add_user.html.

It is in response to a request posted to the qmailadmin
mailling list by a user who preferred that information
already entered into the new eMail account form not be
lost if there is a password compare failure

It uses javascript to provide live client-side
comparison of password2 to password1 to the Add eMail
Account page.

Matches and mismatches are identified by = and ≠
signs. I felt that everybody understands them and it
didn't require modifying any of the language files.

The placement of the javascript within the file is not
my preference but I think it's better than having it
included with each of the templates.

I've only tested it with Mozilla 1+ for linux and pc
and IE5 & 6 for pc but it should work with IE4 and
ignore Netscape 4. Does nothing if the user's browser
has javascript disabled.

More help or questions to Mike Wright,
qmailadmin AT theorb DOT net


  • Mike Wright

    Mike Wright - 2003-11-03

    patch to qmailadmin-1.0.28/html/add_user.html

  • Matt Brookings

    Matt Brookings - 2009-08-14
    • priority: 5 --> 1
    • assigned_to: nobody --> volz0r
  • Matt Brookings

    Matt Brookings - 2009-08-14

    I'm not sure I understand what this does by the tracker description.

  • Tom Collins

    Tom Collins - 2009-08-15

    JavaScript on the Change Password page verifies that the two password-entry fields are identical before submitting to the server.

  • Matt Brookings

    Matt Brookings - 2009-08-17

    Ah, ok. Makes sense.


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