
USB Mic not working without HDMI plugged in.

  • Doug

    Doug - 2015-02-18

    Hey all,
    This may be a general Raspberry Pi problem, but I haven't found an answer on a different forum so I though I'd ask here.

    I'm working on a headless Pi based DMX foot controller.
    The USB mic works great when the Pi is connected to HDMI/TV, however if I boot with the HDMI unplugged the audio trigger will never initialize. The mic is still selectable in the web configuration,

    Im using a "Rock Band" USB mic with a powered USB hub that also is powering my NanoKontrol and Diy DMX dongle. (this one:

    currently on 4.8.5 GIT

    any ideas? Thx in advance!



    Last edit: Doug 2015-02-18
  • OddSocks

    OddSocks - 2015-02-18

    Just an idea of some thing to check. when I was poking around on my Pi, I think I came across a sound over HDMI option. I think this was a choice between HDMI or stereo socket, may be if it is set to HDMI and there is nothing attached the sound module isn't initialised.

    I would like to point out that I am no Pi expert, but that this is just an adea floating around my head :-)

  • Doug

    Doug - 2015-02-19

    I think it has something to do with that. I can't seem to figure out how to configure it though.

    I know little about Linux and even less about Raspberry Pi.

    I've tried editing /boot/config.txt , in order to force HDMI, but nothing seems to happen.
    I am missing something? or does QLC+ not use /boot/config.txt?

    also, just an fyi, plugging just an HDMI cable in (and not into TV) does not work.


    Last edit: Doug 2015-02-19
  • OddSocks

    OddSocks - 2015-02-19

    If I remember correctly you need "sudo raspi-config"

  • Doug

    Doug - 2015-02-19

    I got raspi-config installed (just barely, but I'm learning!)

    It gives me an error when trying to configure audio.

  • Massimo Callegari

    Well, in theory a USB mic (input) should have nothing to do with HDMI/Analog (output)

    I have a cheap USB card that I tested on the RPi a while back, so I'll try again to see if HDMI makes any difference.
    One thing though, the multimedia part on the Pi is not 100% guaranteed to work.
    Videos don't work yet and the audio input requires a lot of CPU and might cause unexpected behaviours.

    In any case, please specify the RPi model you're using. Now that version 2 is out, I need to know exactly on how much power QLC+ is running.

  • Doug

    Doug - 2015-02-19

    I'm on the previous version, raspberry pi 1 B+ (bought it 3 days before the 2 was announced)


  • Doug

    Doug - 2015-02-20

    I dont know where I went wrong, but I got frustrated and decided to start over. I created a brand new project with only one audio trigger and it works now headless. The previous project does not.

    have I lost all the functions? is there a way to export?

    thanks all for the help.
