
Combine LC2412 with Q Light?

  • Calsonic

    Calsonic - 2014-07-15

    I recently purchased the ENTTEC DMX PRO MK2 after using a Eurolight LC2412 for the last 18 months. The Eurolight works very well but was limited to how many fixtures I could address.

    With the ENTTEC, I would like to know if anyone can tell me how I might still be able to use the LC2412 together with Q Light and get the best of both worlds? It seems I can only use one or the other. When I plug in the LC2412, I lose all control of the fixtures via he computer and can only use the desk almost the same as a stand alone unit.

    I was hoping I might be able to map scenes from Q Light to the faders on the desk?

    Does anyone have some advice on this topic please?



  • Jano Svitok

    Jano Svitok - 2014-07-15

    Hi Cal,

    you have two possibilities:

    1. (better) use LC2412 as a remote controller. Here are also two possibilities:

    1.1 (best) connect LC2412 using MIDI cable
    (LC2412 MIDI out->enttec MIDI in). In this case you can map most controls
    to virtual console widgets (see LC2412 input profile). In this case, you
    have both DMX channels free.

    1.2 connect LC2412 using DMX cable (LC2412 DMX out -> enttec DMX IN). In
    this case, you can assign DMX channels to virtual console widgets. This
    has some advantages and some disadvantages. E.g. blackout button, master
    fader etc. will affect your controls.

    1. control some of the channels from LC2412 and use the pass through capability
      of the input universe (I'm not sure if it also does merging, so I may be

    So how to proceed with 1.1?

    • connect MIDI out on the LC2412 to midi in on the enttec dongle
    • assign Input universe 1 to enntec MIDI in, no output, no feedback
    • assign LC2412 profile to Input universe 1
    • create some widgets in the virtual console
    • right click on them, ad in the properties dialog, assign a LC2412 control to it. You can choose from the list, or just select autodetect, and move the control.

    If you don't understand something, please ask again.


    • Calsonic

      Calsonic - 2014-07-17

      Thank you Jano, I will have to order the Midi Dongle as I only have the standard one.
      I'll let you know if I have any further problems.


      • Calsonic

        Calsonic - 2014-07-22

        Hi Jano,

        I now have the correct dongle to do this. However, in the Mapping window, there is no selection for Enttec midi in. I only have selections for DMX inputs and outputs.

        Do I need to change something to get that selection available?



  • Calsonic

    Calsonic - 2014-07-22


    I have not had any luck with using Midi with the LC2412. However, I have been able to get the desk to work using DMX. The error I was making to start with was I was using the same universe for input and output.

    I have now connected the LC2412 to Universe 1 an an input and I am using Universe 2 as the output. I am now able to map the faders to the virtual console and it all works.

    I do have to use auto detect on each input as the mapping in Q Light for the LC2412 does not work correctly. Perhaps the output of the desk is not right but when I use auto detect, it finds it and it works. Very happy so far. I would still like to figure out why the midi does not work? I spent $60 for the midi dongle so it would be nice if it worked :-)

