
making gnugo make the next move?

  • Carsten Pfeiffer


    first of all, thanks for this very nice program, I really appreciate it.

    I'm only having one problem:
    when playing against gnugo and then interrupting the game, I don't know how to continue it.

    E.g. after loading the game and going to the last move, how do I make gnugo make the next move? The only thing I found to make it continue is "passing" one move, but that doesn't really help :-}

    Am I overlooking something obvious?

    Carsten Pfeiffer

    • Carsten Pfeiffer

      Ahh, excellent, that worked! I tried to simply use "File -> Open", but that didn't work.

      I didn't experience the "spaces" bug, but thanks for warning me :-)

      Thanks a lot,

    • Nobody/Anonymous


      There are a few quircks with resuming a game played with gnugo.

      I assume you have saved the game.

      One thing that is not explicit, but needed, is that there are no 'spaces' in the path to your file. For instance, if you save under 'C:\My Documents\gnugo.sgf', it will not work.

      You have to have a 'spaceless' file path in order to have gnugo load the file properly.

      For resuming, you just click on the same icon as to start a new gnugo game, and instead of specifying nex game parameters, you just use the 'load game' field.

      Then, qGo will go by itself to the last move and give the hand to the appropriate player (either you or gnugo).

      If it's gnugo turn, it will play by itself and resume game.
      If it's your turn, just play

      Hope this helps

      Thanks for your appreciation.



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