
QueryForm 1.1 Released

Version 1.1 of the QueryForm Database Tool has been released.

QueryForm is a robust desktop application written in Java that provides a powerful form-based front end for relational databases. It supports multiple concurrent connections to different databases, and has the following features:

* Tables can be queried through a simple form-based interface or a custom WHERE-clause editor.

* Query results can be browsed one row at a time with the the form interface or viewed in a scrollable grid.

* Query results can be exported to CSV files or INSERT statements.

* Table rows can be created, updated or deleted.

* Table metadata -- column types and sizes, and primary and foreign key fields -- can be viewed for each table in a database.

If you're a developer who writes database-centric software, QueryForm can save you the tedium of typing or pasting hundreds of SQL statements into an ISQL window each day to create test data or to verify that updates were peformed properly.

In addition to some general UI tuning, this release adds "click-and-sort" column headers to the query results grid, allowing result sets to be sorted on different columns after they've been read from the database.

Check it out at:

Posted by Dave Glasser 2003-05-03

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