
No KDE-GUI available

  • Adrien

    Adrien - 2005-10-04

    I downloaded qalculate-kde-8.1.1 and compiled it on Kubuntu Breezy. After installing several development packages, configure script successfully ended. Yet qalculate command launchs the qalc inline application.

    How could I run the KDE interface? Can I have missed a lib installation?

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2005-10-04

      This is probably what happened:

      1. libqalculate put qalc in /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin and made a qalculate symlink.

      2. the qalculate-kde package installed the qalculate-kde binary in /usr/kde/3,4/bin and also made a qalculate symlink there.

      3. user runs qalculate and because /usr/bin (or /usr/local/bin) is before /usr/kde/3.4/bin in the $PATH, the symlink to qalc is activated.

      thus you should either use the qalculate-kde command, specify the full path, or remove the qalculate symlink to qalc.

      I should probably remove the creation of the qalculate symlink from libqalculate as this worked better when libqalculate, qalculate-gtk and qalculate-kde was in the same package.