
#94 add AddEnglishCounter in win32pdh

win32 (43)

Counter paths in win32pdh are language dependent. For instance, the following code will raise a pywintypes.error when run on a not English Windows.:

import win32pdh
path = win32pdh.MakeCounterPath(( None, 'System', None, None, 0, 'System Up Time'))
query = win32pdh.OpenQuery()
handle = win32pdh.AddCounter(query, path)

E.g., to make that work on a Spanish Windows, the MakeCounterPath line should be:
path = win32pdh.MakeCounterPath(( None, 'Sistema', None, None, 0, 'Tiempo de actividad del sistema'))

Which makes it real hard to distribute a solution that is supposed to run on different language platforms.

To avoid that, there's this PdhAddEnglishCounter function:\(v=vs.85).aspx
Which is not implemented on pywin. If implemented, this should work on any windows language:

import win32pdh
path = win32pdh.MakeCounterPath(( None, 'System', None, None, 0, 'System Up Time'))
query = win32pdh.OpenQuery()
handle = win32pdh.AddEnglishCounter(query, path)

AddCounter and AddEnglishCounter functions have the same signature. I guess that adding the following to win32pdhmodule.cpp should be enough:

typedef PDH_STATUS (WINAPI * FuncPdhAddEnglishCounter)(
HQUERY hQuery, // handle to the query
LPCTSTR szFullCounterPath, // path of the counter
DWORD_PTR dwUserData, // user-defined value
HCOUNTER *phCounter // pointer to the counter handle buffer


  • Roger Upole

    Roger Upole - 2012-06-04

    AddEnglishCounter has been added to win32pdh.

  • Roger Upole

    Roger Upole - 2012-06-04
    • status: open --> closed-fixed

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