
Pixmap Themes

  • Hogne

    Hogne - 2005-05-27

    PyUI had some sort of pixel theme support (bitmaps), is this still supported in PyUI2? I can't seem to find it.

    It would be nice to be able to make textured themes and to be able to use pixmaps for icons like the close button and such.

    btw, I noticed that the .pyc files are in CVS. Is that really necessary? Clutters it up a bit I think.


    • Bluecat

      Bluecat - 2005-05-28

      Yep it still does have the ability to use images, the cursors are PNG images. If you're using v0.1 then that it essentially PyUI 1 with some bugs fixed and some refactoring done, so everything you could do in PyUI you can do in PyUI2.

      I agree wholeheartedly with your comment about textured themes, and using images for buttons. I'm currently in the process of completely revamping the theme management to make it much simpler to create new themes. One of the issues I have with the way themes were done originally was that if you created a new theme, you had to completely rewrite it with the new features. Unfortunately, there are also widgets that do not use the theme system at all, but write directly to the renderer. Widgets also manage too much of how they look.

      So, what I had originally thought would be a fairly quick modification to the theme system has turned into a major architectural rethink. If you're interested in seeing what I've done so far, you should get the code straight from CVS.

      Yes. And you're right about the .pyc files... Doh! I noticed that after I checked it all in. I just haven't got around to removing them yet. Will do it soon.


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