

- New improved calltips - scrollable for long tips, check option to prevent autoclose when typing command.

- Modified engine interface to allow extensions and simplify structure, allows control of GUI interface from commmand line:
ptk_help() - key help function
clear() - clears the console
edit('filename') - open the filename in the ptk editor
inspect('objectname') - inpsect the object in the Inspector tool

- New engine: TkExternal - engine running in external process with a Tcl/Tk gui mainloop allowing interactive use of the Tkinter module.

- New improved Inpsector tool - shows information depending on object type,including (where applicable) doscsting, call arguments, constructor arguments, constructor dosctring, source file (with icon to open file in editor), and source.

- Added help tips to startup and help menus.

Posted by tohc1 2010-04-30

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