
Feature comment

Tony Law
  • Tony Law

    Tony Law - 2011-12-02

    Having just discovered FC when the old PySol stopped working: really good to see this being carried forward. But  … why is Klondike loaded automatically every time? The PySol habit of reloading the last previous game was much better. Or, if there's a good reason for always loading the same game every time, then at least allow the user to set which one.

    Even more annoying, why does Quit actually not quit, but start a new Klondike? There are actually two "quit" functions here: one is "Reload default game" and should be labelled as such. "Quit" *should actually quit!

    Third: Favourites is a great new feature, but to me it would make more sense to have it in the Select index, not under the File menu.

    What does the community think? Would these things be candidates for changes?

  • Hairspring

    Hairspring - 2012-04-11

    1. I agree it would be irritating to have Klondike loaded automatically, despite previously choosing a different game.  But I'm unable to reproduce the behaviour you describe (I'm using version 2.0 on Ubuntu 10.10).  Which version are you using, Tony, and on what platform?  Perhaps it's an access rights problem, if the place where the settings are stored isn't writable from your account.

    2. Quit works for me.  There's even 'Hold and quit'.

    3. I agree, Favourites would be slightly better in the Select menu.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-04-11

    I'm on MacOS - was Snow Leopard, I'm now on a new 10.7 (Lion) machine, with PySolFC 2.0.
    1 - it's a bit more complex than I thought when I jumped in with my initial posting. Sometimes it comes up with Klondike and sometimes it resumes the previous game. I haven't figured out what makes the difference but I wonder if there's a time expiry in there somewhere?
    2 - "Quit PySolFC" (from the menu or Option-Q) consistently reloads Klondike and does not quit. I hadn't discovered Hold and Quit, but that does seem to quit out. So does the "exit" button on the menu bar. But option-Q does need to be re-programmed, because this means that the program does not force-quit on machine close down, so close down doesn't complete.
    3 - Nice to agree! Next version?



  • Hairspring

    Hairspring - 2012-04-11

    Hi Tony!

    > 3 - Nice to agree! Next version?

    I only signed up on SourceForge today, I've no idea where such info is displayed. :(

  • Bill Hannaford

    Bill Hannaford - 2012-05-28

    I'm running the Linux version.  However, I've observed PySolFC regularly loads the last game played, unless the game terminated incorrectly, whereupon it will restart with Klondike, and IIRC, a default cardset.  It's been a while since I provoked a crash. ;)

    Control-Q exits correctly on Linux.  Tony's account suggests a MacOS specific bug in the handling of Option-Q.


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