
having trouble registering

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hello. When I first start up PyScrabble, it searches for public servers. So when I click on register, I put in a name and password, and every time I get a box saying "Error: Could not connect to server". What am I doing wrong? I really cant figure this out, it seems like it should be pretty straight forward. If I am missing something, could someone please help me?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I am also having trouble registering.  I am using eeebuntu with a strict firewall.  Do I need to open a port?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      somebody please help:-(

      • Anonymous

        Anonymous - 2009-04-26

        It seems the public servers are down. You'll have to run your own server it seems. (If you want others on the Internet be able to connect to your server and you are behind a home router, remember to open up a TCP port for the computer that is running the server). Sorry I couldn't be more help.

  • Barry Drake

    Barry Drake - 2010-05-11

    Yes, it's true.  The public servers are down; the califorest server has been down for a couple of years, since my server crashed.  I apologize for my laziness.  I will try to get up and running again this week.


  • Alan Hart

    Alan Hart - 2010-10-19

    I have the same issue so am unable to play a great game.
    I am a Linux new user running Maverick Meerkat
    Can anyone assist me please ?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    The motherboard in the server went bad.  I had set that up as a dedicated physical machine.  I need to create a new virtual machine in my other server to host it, and I just haven't had time yet.  :-(  I'm working on an LTSP project (on Lucid Lynx, btw) at work, and it sucks up all my spare time too.  That should be finished by Thanksgiving, so that's about the time you can expect pyscrabble to work again.  I apologize for the delay.


  • Watts8888

    Watts8888 - 2011-02-13

    I'm getting the same message.  Is the server still down?

  • Barry Drake

    Barry Drake - 2011-02-13

    It was up, and then it was down again.  I'm about 80% done with moving my server infrastructure from Xen to ESXi, and I'll probably finish that today.  As soon as that is finished, I'll put the PYScrabble server's hard disk into a physical machine and virtualize it onto the ESXi server too.  I'm planning on finishing all that this afternoon.

    If you had an account on the previous server, it should still work.  I'll post an update here and on the server once it is working.


  • Barry Drake

    Barry Drake - 2011-02-14

    The last of my production servers has been migrated to ESXi.
    I've booted the pyscrabble server (it's not publicly available yet); I'm running updates on it and compacting the pyscrabble database (it was 100GB - yikes!).  With any luck, we'll be up and running tomorrow.

  • Barry Drake

    Barry Drake - 2011-02-15

    I can't get the database on the old pyscrabble server to behave yet, so I'm building a new server from scratch.  First attempt tonight was with Slackware 13.1 64-bit.  Some of the required programs, like ZODB and Nevow, don't seem to like the 64-bit environment.  I'm downloading the Slackware 32-bit ISO now, and I'll try again tomorrow night.  Progress!

  • Barry Drake

    Barry Drake - 2011-02-16 lives!

    So far, I have been unable to recover the old database (it's 100GB!).  I'll work on it, but I'm not familiar with ZODB, so no promises.


  • David King

    David King - 2011-06-04

    Is the server working now? I tried to register and log in, but there was no confirmation of the registration on

    And when I log in, what do I put in the Hostname section, it wants a port number? What number should I use, assuming I enter as hostname? Or should it be something different?

  • Barry Drake

    Barry Drake - 2011-06-05

    Yes, it is working.  It was being a little quirky, as the database had grown to 20GB.  I packed it tonight, so the server is a lot more responsive now.

    When you connect, connect to


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-11-14 It's mine, you are welcome to use it. I've played almost 100 games on it over the last 6 months or so and it seems to work fine. Should always be up. Enjoy.


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