
PySCeS 0.2.2 released

We are extremely pleased to announce the latest release of PySCeS - The Python Simulator for Cellular Systems (

Now available for download from (

This release expands PySCeS functionality (Generic MultiParameter Scanner, Response Coefficient Analysis) contains some bugfixes (elementory modes) and introduces some new features that we are trying out (MCA attribute collection classes).

This will also be the last release that is compatible with the (now very old) SciPy (0.4.9) and Numeric. Future releases will only support New SciPy (0.5.x+) and NumPy 1.0+ (see for details on these new packages)

Please take a look at the CHANGELOG file and docstrings for more specific details of the new functionality changed in this release

Brett Olivier
and the PySCeS development team

Posted by Brett Olivier 2007-03-05

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