
many xterms can crash it...

  • kiran

    kiran - 2005-04-11


    Openbox3 + pypanel+idesk+xdaliclock+torsmo+Esetroot.

    within a desktop, open say about 30 odd xterms. That seems to crash/hang pypanel. Not sure how to recover it except by kill -9. Even switching desktops does not help.

    also, is there a way to change the pixmap of xterm icon, emacs icons, etc (no, i read abt the xbm. that no color. An eyecandy panel deserves an eye candy icon (read lilac) )


    • Jon Gelo

      Jon Gelo - 2005-04-11

      That's a lot of xterms, have you considered mrxvt (multi-tab rxvt) or were you just trying to crash pypanel ;)

      I'll see if there's anything I can do about that ..

      As for apps with no default icon, I'm not sure how to assign them anything but an XBM.  Getting pypanel to display custom images for certain application types might be a good feature to add, it's something that keeps coming up ..

    • kiran

      kiran - 2005-04-12

      Thanks. For the reply and for pypanel!

      i sometime run sims on like 100 machines that are not running mosix. to monitor them i setup many xterms, to simulaneously see results :( so, mrxvt might be pushing it

    • kiran

      kiran - 2005-04-12

      also, i have setup a patch on

      to set icons for paricular applications. i have 2 problems with my patch

      1. i dont know python and hence am brute forcing the ppicon.
      2. it crashes after 40-50 refreshes. so not for regular use.



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