
Convert Numbers to Words (Python) / News: Recent posts

PyNum2Word 0.3 released

Version 0.3 of pynum2word is now available.

pynum2word is a suite of Python Modules that translate numbers into words. Currently the languages supported are English (10**12 == "one trillion" - max of 10**304-1), old UK numbers (10**18 == "one trillion", max 10**606-1), German, French, and Spanish. The design is clean and extensible, so other languages should be simple to add.... read more

Posted by Taro Ogawa 2003-12-03


Version 0.2 of pynum2word is now available.

pynum2word is a suite of Python Modules that translate numbers into words. Currently the languages supported are English (10**12 == "one trillion" - max of 10**304-1), old UK numbers (10**18 == "one trillion", max 10**606-1), German, French, and Spanish. The design is clean and extensible, so other languages should be simple to add.... read more

Posted by Taro Ogawa 2003-09-15

pynum2word-0.1 released

The first public release of pynum2word is now available.

pynum2word is a suite of Python Modules that translate numbers into words. Currently the languages supported are English (10**12 == "one trillion" - max of 10**304-1), old UK numbers (10**18 == "one trillion", max 10**606-1), German, French, and Spanish. The design is clean and extensible, so other languages should be simple to add.... read more

Posted by Taro Ogawa 2003-07-22