
help with installation and running from sourc

  • David Morris

    David Morris - 2006-11-07

    i tried following all the instructions on the wiki, but when i double click the keylogger.pyw file, nothing happens, and no processes show up in the list. also, when i try typing the python command in the cmd prompt it says 'python is not recognized as an internal or external command'

    did i install python wrong , or forget a step somewhere? does it have to be in the windows env variables or something...?

    • nanotube

      nanotube - 2006-11-07

      yes, the path for the python executable has to be in the PATH environment var. so check it out.

      you can test if python works at all by just putting in the full path to python.exe (usually C:\Python24\python.exe)

      also, when you double click... are you sure pythonw.exe doesn't show up in the list (that's what would show up, not keylogger.pyw).

    • David Morris

      David Morris - 2006-11-11

      I finally got the exe thing to work. I had the path variable wrong, it's supposed to be C:\Python24\ and not include the name of the executable file. Anyways, I still can't seem to get the email thing to work, but I saw on the future plans on the wiki, there will be an FTP option added, instead of email. How hard is that to implement? Maybe I could help out if you gave me some pointers.

      • nanotube

        nanotube - 2006-11-12

        well, the main pointer you'd need is this:
        the documentation for the ftplib module in python :)

        other than that, just read the code, and see what's going on. basically, you would want to add a method very similar to what the current "email" method does, only instead of emailing, you ftp. if you want to have a go at it, have fun. ;)

        i am too busy with school now, so the earliest i could have a crack at it myself would be in late december/early january...


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