
L-Cntrl R-Ctrl- F12 doesn't work

  • tony

    tony - 2009-02-19

    The L-Control R-Ctrl-f12 doesn't bring up the control window after python is executed.  I've version 1.4 and run Windows Xp professional .

    • nanotube

      nanotube - 2009-02-19


      Are you pressing all three keys at the same time?

      Are you actually running the keylogger code, not just "python" by itself? (making sure because you said "python is executed", rather than "keylogger")

    • tony

      tony - 2009-02-20

      Yes, I executed pykeylogger.exe from the default installation directory C:\Program Files\PyKeylogger. 

      And yes, I pressed all three keys left control , right control and f12 together (which means, I held down the left control first and held down the right control and held down f12), Doesn't work!!!

      But the program if it;s running it logs the keystrokes periodically as I can see them in the log.  Can't get to the control panel!!!

    • Tim Crews

      Tim Crews - 2009-05-22

      I have recently noticed this problem while using a Microsoft keyboard with the Microsoft driver installed (the one that causes Windows to recognize the various multimedia keys.)  In debug mode, I noticed that the F12 key wasn't being logged when I pressed the three keys.  I modified the .ini file to just use the left control and right control keys, and then it worked.

      Thinking that this might be an interaction with another keyboard hook installed as part of the Microsoft driver, I uninstalled the MS driver, but this did not fix the problem.

      So, I have just been content with the two-key configuration panel launcher.

    • Brandon Smith

      Brandon Smith - 2009-08-06

      Also can't use this combination on compact keyboards without right control or f12 keys. Program logs, but can't configure it at all.

    • nanotube

      nanotube - 2009-08-06


      Just change the control key combo manually by editing the .ini file to whatever makes you happy. :) Open up the ini file, and find item "Control Key" - it's line 27 of the file.

  • Vago

    Vago - 2009-09-18

    Hi nanotube!

    Let me tell you first that this is a great program and thanks for sharing.

    I'm playing with it. I'm running pykeylogger and slax from a 1gb usb in an Aspire One minilaptop. logs directory was created and within it 3 more directories: click_images, detailed_log and timed_screenshots. pykelogger it is capturing as it has to be in those 3 directories.

    The problem is that I can not make Control Panel show up. I edited the .ini file as sugested above making some other key combinations and single key with out luck…I always get this:

    root@slax:~# cd Downloads/pykeylogger-1.2.0
    root@slax:~/Downloads/pykeylogger-1.2.0# python keylogger.pyw
    RECORD extension version 1.13
    /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/Xlib/protocol/ DeprecationWarning: struct integer overflow masking is deprecated
    Exception in thread Thread-25:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/usr/lib/python2.5/", line 486, in __bootstrap_inner
      File "keylogger.pyw", line 472, in run
      File "/root/Downloads/pykeylogger-1.2.0/", line 47, in __init__
        self.root = Pmw.initialise(fontScheme='pmw2')
      File "/root/Downloads/pykeylogger-1.2.0/Pmw/", line 1455, in initialise
        root = Tkinter.Tk()
      File "/usr/lib/python2.5/lib-tk/", line 1636, in __init__ = _tkinter.create(screenName, baseName, className, interactive, wantobjects, useTk, sync, use)
    TclError: out of stack space (infinite loop?)

    Do you have any idea?

    Thanks in advance and once again great job!


  • nanotube

    nanotube - 2009-09-18

    Hi Vago

    some googling turned this up:

    if the little test supplied there does the same thing, then you need to get tkinter compiled with -enable-threads

    give that a try and let me know how it goes :)

  • Vago

    Vago - 2009-09-18

    Hi nanotube!

    Thanks for the help! I'm gonna have to compile Tcl with enable-threads as those folks said. The point is that I am using a tcl compile as module for slax. I'm not sure how to do it bu ot I am sure that I will find out the way and let you know what happens. In the mean time, I want to explain how I make pykeylogger to work as it is right now using my 1gb usb with slax, it took me a while and may help other folks:

    1.- I use 1gb usb
    2.- I download slax 6.1.2 and follow the steps from slax site to make it boot from the usb, this a simple task that I,m not going to explain.
    3.- I download from slax site the module python-2.5.2-4.lzm just place it into slax-->modules folder.
    4.- I download from slax site the module python-addons.lzm just place it into slax-->modules folder.
    5.- Google and download Imaging-1.1.6.tar.gz use "cd" to go to where it was download it and untar with "tar xvzf  Imaging-1.1.6.tar.gz" use "cd" to go to the directory created Imaging-1.1.6 and once inside type in console to install it with "python install"
    6.- Google and download python-xlib-0.14.tar.gz use "cd" to go to where it was download it and untar with "tar xvzf  python-xlib-0.14.tar.gz" use "cd" to go to the directory created python-xlib-0.14 and once inside type in console to install it with "python install"
    7.- Google and download use "cd" to go to where it was download it and unzip with "unzip" use "cd" to go to the directory created configobj-4.6.0 and once inside type in console to install it with "python install"
    8.- Download and unzip with "unzip" use "cd" to go to the directory created pykeylogger-1.2.0 and once inside type in console to make it run using "python keylogger.pyw"
    9.- That is all. You will see that logs folder is created inside pykeylogger-1.2.0 folder and that inside logs folder you will see 3 more folders: click_images, detailed_log and timed_screenshots. Inside theme you will find all you expect from pykeylogger.

    Note: I have not find the way to make it run in silence mode yet, if I close the console pykelogger stops.

    Hope this help someone.


  • nanotube

    nanotube - 2009-09-18


    Thanks for the detailed instructions - those will come in handy for others.

    As far as making it run in the background: the same thing applies as any other program - run it with & at the end to send the job to the background… alternatively, open up a GNU screen, run a keylogger, then detach from the screen session.


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