
upgrading to version 0.7.3 with Windows

  • Roddrick Ellison

    Sorry if this is a dumb question, but for the life of me I can't work out how to update from V0.7.1 to V0.7.3 for Windows.

    I have reinstalled using the Windows installer but it just installs V0.7.1. I have 0.7.3 in a ZIP file but don't what to do next???

    I tried pasting the new files into the program folder thinking that it would replace what was needed but no.

    I'm sorry if this is an easy thing to do and I'm missing it but I've run out of options



  • Kelvin Lawson

    Kelvin Lawson - 2010-11-15

    Hi Roddrick,

    A Windows installer has not yet been released for v0.7.3, the current Windows installer is at v0.7.1. We've been looking for a maintainer to build and release the Windows packages but as yet have had no offers.

    In the meantime you can actually run the source-code version, but will need to install a few things first (at least Python, Pygame and WxPython). You can then directly run the program contained in the v0.7.3 source code ZIP.


  • Roddrick Ellison

    Ok …. so I've been trawling thru the pages trying to see if I can some how "stumble" onto how to create an installer….

    I have found a program called  Inno Setup which is a free Windows installer program and have worked out how to create a installer.

    What I can't figure out is though is which files to use to put in the installer for it to install 0.7.3.

    The pages/links on this website for the two articles or guides to the development on the Windows platform do not work and come up with a "404 - File not found" 

    Is there anyway to fix these pages?



  • Roddrick Ellison

    Sorry… the website for Inno setup is

  • Kelvin Lawson

    Kelvin Lawson - 2010-11-16

    Hi Roddrick,

    PyKaraoke uses NSIS to create installer packages, and there is actually a script for building the installer. This is described here:

    The main thing that makes it slightly complicated is the fact that there is an optimised (compiled C) version of the CDG interpreter to support very slow machines. To compile this you need to install Visual Studio C++. This part of the process is described here:
    This page is for general Windows development, not specifically for the installer, but once this is all in place the installer is simple.

    If you're just interested in installing on to your own machine, you could skip the installer part, and follow the instructions on the second link. You can even skip all of the Visual Studio part, because your machine is probably more than fast enough to support the Python CDG playback module, and won't need the compiled C implementation.

    Best regards,

  • Roddrick Ellison

    Ok so I've previously tried to access those links but the links on other pages are incorrect and come up with a error 404 messgae which might also put off any one with window's knowledge from helping.

    The links come up with extra information -

    Any way thanks for the quick responses. I am making small steps towards success which is frustrating cause I want it done now.

    I have worked out the compiler and can successfully build an installer, run it and install the program.

    The only issue I now have is that after install and I go to the start menu, all the links are there but when clicking on PyKaraoke button it is unable to find the .exe file in the Programs folder. I have taken out the 2 .exe files that are part of 0.7.1 and attempted it thinking that it would some how create the new .exe files with the new version…no.

    I kept the 0.7.1 .exe files in and installed and it loads up ok but it still shows 0.7.1 at the top..

    I thought maybe that the and had to be changed from .py to .exe, This loaded up a black screen which then flickes off??

    Any ideas????

    Once I've got it,  I'm more than happy to provide it for other users, even maybe maintain it if it's something easy I'm missing and once corrected can be maintained eaiser.



  • Kelvin Lawson

    Kelvin Lawson - 2010-11-22

    Hi Roddrick,

    Thanks for letting me know about the broken links - this happened when I moved to a new hosting provider. They are now fixed.

    Can you see the pykaraoke.exe file in the original folder you built it in? If you uninstall PyKaraoke, then install the new one, what files are copied into the PyKaraoke folder under "Program Files"?


  • Roddrick Ellison

    Ok so here are some screen shots of whats happening. Sorry if their too big…..

    This is the folder in program files after installing 0.7.1

    This is the startup menu folder after installing 0.7.1

    This is the program folder files after installing 0.7.3

    This is the startup menu folder after installing 0.7.3

    and then get this

    I have since found some files I was missing for the 0.7.3 installer which shows the correct icons in the startup menu but still unable to find the .exe file

    I have tried to install 0.7.1 and then 0.7.3 over the top but the startup menu links find the .exe file but still launches 0.7.1 as shown below. I'm not sure even if I had this right whether the 0.7.1 would change to 0.7.3 at the top of the program I'm only assuming it would read the right version….

    Again thanks for the help… I understand most people using this program are on Linux but I've got it running on my Jukebox and it's program is run on Windows.



  • Roddrick Ellison

  • Roddrick Ellison

  • Kelvin Lawson

    Kelvin Lawson - 2010-12-20

    Hi Roddrick,

    The .exe files are missing in your built installer. Do you have py2exe installed?

    It might help if you could send a capture of the results of the build procedure please, that's the "python nsis" step. This should show us what error caused the .exe file generation to fail.


  • Gary Littlemore

    Gary Littlemore - 2012-06-23

    Hi Roddrick,

    Did you get this sorted in the end?



  • Roddrick Ellison

    Hi Gary,

    Nope I gave up in hope that someone who knows what their doing would one day work it out. I'm still using V 0.7.1 which seems to work ok. Do you know how to do it?? If so can you let me know =)




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