
Delay on Raspberry Pi

  • Gabe

    Gabe - 2013-01-25


    Im running pykaraoke on my Raspi model A. I am getting a delay with cdg files between the lyrics and music (lyrics are way behind music). The files I tested with work properly on my Mac with VLC. I tried running the audio over hdmi and analog with no success.

    Is there a way to calibrate the delay or is it just the physical limitations of the pi causing the delay?

    Thanks a lot for any help!!

  • Kelvin Lawson

    Kelvin Lawson - 2013-01-28


    One thing to consider is whether your installation of PyKaraoke uses the optimised C version of the CDG decoder. How did you install it? The README.txt details compiling using, for which you'll need compiler and SDL dev headers on the Pi.

    Are you using the main PyKaraoke GUI or PyKaraoke-mini?

    What does the CPU load look like in top or similar commands?

  • Gabe

    Gabe - 2013-01-29


    Thanks for the response. I installed using "sudo apt-get install pykaraoke". Was this the incorrect way to do it? You'll have to forgive me, I'm new to Linux and programming in general. How do I go about ensuring that I have "compiler and SLD dev headers?

    I have been testing mostly on the GUI version to set up the song database, but I did try the files on the mini version and the output was the same.

    As for the CPU load, I'm not sure what you mean by "top or similar commands", but when Pykaraoke GUI is playing a song, the average CPU load is 75% - 80%.

    In the mean time I'll take a look at the README file as you mentioned.

    Thanks again for the help!

  • Kelvin Lawson

    Kelvin Lawson - 2013-02-05


    I don't know what Raspbian have done for the packaging of PyKaraoke. Try uninstalling pykaraoke and doing it yourself using the instructions on the website:

    Specifically the line:
    sudo  apt-get install python-dev python-pygame libwxgtk-python libsdl-dev python-mutagen
    sudo python install

    This should give you the fast compiled CD+G decoder.


  • Gabe

    Gabe - 2013-02-08

    Ok, I uninstalled pykaraoke completely (I think) using aptitude. I then used the instructions on the website like you said. I got an error about "libwxgtk-python" and wasn't able to run the install. I've included the output below. Let me know if there's anything else you want to see.

    pi@raspberrypi ~ $ sudo  apt-get install python-dev python-pygame libwxgtk-python libsdl-dev python-mutagen
    Reading package lists… Done
    Building dependency tree      
    Reading state information… Done
    Note, selecting 'libsdl1.2-dev' instead of 'libsdl-dev'
    E: Unable to locate package libwxgtk-python
    pi@raspberrypi ~ $ sudo python install
    python: can't open file '':  No such file or directory
    pi@raspberrypi ~ $

    Thanks again for the help!

  • Gabe

    Gabe - 2013-02-08

    I manage to find "python-mutagen" via "apt-cache search python-mut". I also tried looking for "libwxgtk-python" in this way and no results came up. I then tried "apt-cache search libw" and these results came up under libwxgtk:

    libwxgtk2.8-0 - wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (GTK+ runtime)
    libwxgtk2.8-dbg - wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (GTK+ debug)
    libwxgtk2.8-dev - wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (GTK+ development)  

    Are any of these the right one?

    Thanks again!


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