
Documentation for the different PyCont curves

  • Florian Aspart

    Florian Aspart - 2014-07-29

    Hi everyone,

    I have some trouble understanding to what corresponds the different curves in PyCont:
    'EP-C': EquilibriumCurve
    'LP-C': FoldCurve
    'H-C1': HopfCurveOne
    'H-C2': HopfCurveTwo,
    'FP-C': FixedPointCurve
    'LC-C': LimitCycleCurve,
    'UD-C': UserDefinedCurve
    'FD-C': FixedPointFoldCurve,
    'FL-C': FixedPointFlipCurve
    'NS-C': FixedPointNSCurve,
    'CP-C': FixedPointCuspCurve

    For example, what is the difference between Hopf Curve 1 and 2?
    What is a Fixed Point Curve? In what is this different from the Fold Curve?
    Can the Fold Curve also be applied on the Limit Point of Cycle (LPC) bifurcations?

    The existence, in the literature, of many different terms for the same type of bifurcation makes difficult to look for the meaning of the different curve and bifurcation on the web.
    Could you maybe give a short explanation of the different curve or give some reference book on the subject using the same nomenclature as in PyCont?


  • Rob Clewley

    Rob Clewley - 2014-07-29

    I believe Drew is working on this. So far, there is some text in but I don't think it answers your questions. I think the FixedPoint curves are for mappings only.


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