
PyDev 2.2.4 Released

Hi All,

PyDev 2.2.4 has been released

Details on PyDev:
Details on its development:

Release Highlights:


* Cython is now supported in PyDev (.pyx files may be opened with the PyDev editor).

**Globals Token Browser (Ctrl+Shift+T)**

* Packages/Modules can now be reached through the globals browser (so, files can now be easily gotten through the package they represent)

**Handling external files**

* External libraries configured in a project appearing in the PyDev Package Explorer
* Show in > PyDev Package Explorer working for files that are under the interpreter or external libraries.
* Show in > PyDev Package Explorer working for files inside .zip archives.
* External files that were opened when Eclipse is closed are properly reopened.


* New option in the code-formatter to only apply code-formatting on changed lines on save.
* from __future__ import now properly appears as first even if grouping is enabled.
* it's now possible to have a minimap of the code in the overview ruler (enable in preferences > PyDev > Editor > Overview Ruler Minimap).

**Unittest runner**

* exc_clear() no longer called if it's not available.
* Fixed issue where class tearDown was executed twice.


* It's now possible to enable/disable stepping into properties while in the debugger. Menu: Run > Disable step into properties (patch by Hussain Bohra)
* Show in outline view activated in debug perspective (patch by Hussain Bohra)
* Watch expressions can be properly expanded in the watch view (patch by Hussain Bohra)
* Breakpoints in external files are properly shown.
* Remote debugger: starting the remote debugger no longer shows a launch configuration
* Remote debugger: when the server is stopped, the server socket is properly closed


* Fixed issue in rename (Alt+Shift+R) / find references (Ctrl+Shift+G) on top level module variables.
* Fixed issue where create class/method/field action was not ok because of comment.
* Fixed issue where doing create class/method/field action on file with tabs ended up adding spaces.

What is PyDev?

PyDev is a plugin that enables users to use Eclipse for Python, Jython and IronPython development -- making Eclipse a first class Python IDE -- It comes with many goodies such as code completion, syntax highlighting, syntax analysis, refactor, debug and many others.


Fabio Zadrozny
Software Developer



PyDev - Python Development Environment for Eclipse

Posted by Fabio Zadrozny 2011-11-02

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