
#1291 scripts with '-' are not processed (not in PYTHONPATH)

Editor (491)

When a script has the '-' character in its name it will not be processed properly. Even though some code completion works there is no display of warnings and tasks are not shown. Also on mouse-over of variables there is a partial error message shown: "Found at: __module_not_in_the_pythonpath__".

I'm not aware '-' are forbidden by pyhton script naming conventions. If they are this behavoir is still problematic - a warning would be nice in this case. If not this is a bug.


  • Fabio Zadrozny

    Fabio Zadrozny - 2011-02-17

    It's not available because it cannot be imported.

    i.e.: if you had a module named: 'aa-bb', you could not import it as writing 'import aa-bb' is actually a syntax error (you should really use '_' and not '-').

  • mp1

    mp1 - 2011-02-17

    Ok, I was unaware of that, sry. Makes sense. Still a warning on file creation, renaming and importing would be nice to have ;-) .

  • Fabio Zadrozny

    Fabio Zadrozny - 2011-02-17

    Fixed in 1.6.6 (showing warning when editor is opened with file not valid for code analysis).

    Git f8496e0 1297970315 2011-02-17

  • Fabio Zadrozny

    Fabio Zadrozny - 2011-02-17
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • emmanuel

    emmanuel - 2012-11-09

    So a python script file with a dash in its name is not valid? That's very unfortunate in our case.
    I have the this problem, and I wonder why only the errors but the warning are reported in those files. Doesn't it indicate that they go through some incomplete code analysis?
    And I can see no warning whatsoever when I open them in eclipse PyDev (v2.7)