Cyberlizer - 2006-01-11

Well I think we need a configuration manager for pWord.  Most likely pWord upon startup it needs to load a configuration.xml file.  And maybe use other xml type files to change behavior and setup user preferences.

Some of the things that might be in the configuration would be plugins, changes to the User Interface such as admin setup, what actions or scripts are performed during startup, during autohide, shutdown.

Some important features of pWord to edit the xml would need a new import function on the main file menu, and ad the node import level.

Need to demonstrate scripts that can perform autobackup, autosave several xml files, perform changing an html page every hour or every day like cms, demonstrate scripting in dos performing several autonomous functions, and other robot type scripting funcitons, and routine maintenance type functions.

My thinking here is that the configuration section would allow the user to change not only his preferences on pWord, but allow him to change the behavior of pWord... What it does, how it acts, and what it would be used for.
